Positive Thread | Arthritis Information


I come here a lot to read and learn, so I guess you would call me a lurker, although I do post here and there. Newbie or not, I would love to see some positive things for the weekend, so who is with me? I challenge each of you to tell me what positive thing has happened to you in the past week!

I'll start! I am so happy that my family didn't come down with the Swine Flu that I brought into our house this week! Also that I survived it! Good on you schell, I hope I can avoid it and my family, I have had the needle but the rest haven't yet.  My positive thing for the week would be that I managed to start a Lighten Up programme provided by Allied Health at our local hospital, I get to meet lots of new people, learn how to read food labels correctly, motivate myself to eat properly even when in excruciating pain, instead of grabbing the easiest thing, etc etc.  I have been trying for two years to have a clear schedule to commit to the 8 weeks, but due to hospital, Drsappts, and sick children have been unable, I hope I can keep this one up.  Have a great weekend and great idea for a positive thread!!!!!  Hugs Janie. I started back to work this week.  It's only 16 hours a week but I'm not used to rising at 6:00 a.m. and out the door at 8:30 a.m.  My husband had supper ready every other night, kept the cats fed and watered, vacuumed and did laundry.......I double the WOOHOO for good partners.  I'm glad you're better.  Lindy LinB2009-10-23 20:24:41Ahh!, Janie...I wish i could find a class like that! Sounds awesome! Lin, was cracking up at your thread...I thought you meant your husband vacuumed the cat!  JK! I knew what you meant! So glad you are back in the saddle!! ((HUGS)) Good for you, Lindy! My husband's grandmother had Alzheimers and although I have never dealt with it myself, I know it can be a very heart breaking task! Kudos! I did a double take also but after rereading I got it.  It is very funny though.

I am thankful that dd has had one clean bill of health from mamogram and the next worry will be results from her surgery.  One step at a time.
Oh great, now I can't get the picture of Lin's husband vacuuming the cat outta my head!  I've just completed hooking up three wheelie bins so we can collect some rain water for washing the cars.
We have had water restrictions for the past three years or so.

Just as the sun comes out I want it the rain again, go figure.
Bodak2009-10-23 20:56:39Further to my post above, I am rather chuffed at getting this photo during the week.
I really like the way these two interact.
Yes that is my daughter Tamara with Jake. I hope to catch up with the other this weekend.

Me either  schell...I wonder what kind of pussycat it is, big or small one.
Bodak...I will send some of the rain we are getting here over to Australia.  It has been coming down hard every other day.  The only good thing is it is not SNOW!!!
Wow! I just visited your website, Stephen...you have some amazing pics there. LOVE this one and the getting married one! You should be proud. Awesome! You have outdone yourself with this one Stephen.  Absolutely gorgeous.BUMP!!
Would like to end this week on a happy note. 
TeedOff2009-10-23 21:53:30I got to meet my granddaughter for the first time this week! She's my first grandbaby. She has the most beautiful blue eyes. She's 2 months old now. My son calls her his big girl because she doesn't want to lie back in your arms, she wants to be held up where she can see what's going on. And she IS a big girl, 8 lb 10 oz at birth, now weighs almost 14 pounds! They're staying the weekend with me. I live in AL, they live in Minnesota. Anyone besides me see a problem with that? :) 

Schell glad you are feelling better and  that the kids did not get sick. It is great to see so many positive post.

I got some pictures of our families latest addition. A new niece in Georgia. It will be awhile before I can see her in person. She looks adorable.

Wendy, That is awesome!! Maybe someday they will live closer.  Tons of positive things flowing my way
My oldest and her hubby have bought a house.  They will be living about an hour or so away........Much better than living abroad.  They hope to be starting a family soon
As for me, I'm just about caught up workwise and should be back on track by Monday. 
I love this thread . Good thing for today:  Nathan has his first swim meet with the YMCA.  He is doing freestyle and backstroke.  Should be interesting-nothing like watching a 5yr old jump off the blocks.
Another good thing-my pain dr. managed to fit me in on Tuesday.  I've had to leave early the past two days at work so something has got to change.  It's usually takes an act of congress to get an appointment moved up.
Hi Rebecca, just a bit of info in case it may help you, I was on Fentanyl patches but am allergic to the adhesive, so I was put on Oxycontin for chronic pain (slow release) and Endone for breakthru pain, I have been a lot steadier since, all the best from Janie As do others, I celebrate the positive partnership that sees me out of bed in the AM, accompanies me through the day, and sees me back to bed in the PM. He truly is my heart.

I was gifted with a gorgeous sunrise this morning while I sat bundled up enjoying not only the early morning but also our refurbished courtyard. There is an indefinable pleasure to be found in the moments the world awakens.

My great-niece Chrystal is arriving this afternoon for a short visit, it will be delightful to have her vigor and humour in the house.

To positivity!
Wow! Lynn...tons of great news! Here's to a great week ahead!

Rocky, that is great about your dr appt. I am sending good healing vibes your way! Shug, sounds like your weather is a lot like ours. Bring on the sun and send the rain to Stephen!
Have a wonderful visit with your niece!! ((HUGS))

Great thread  - makes you look back and find postive things instead of dwelling on the negative.   

I had a great appt on Tuesday - only one finger joint w/very minor swelling.  Doing so well, I get to drop my mtx dose by one pill. (also on enbrel).   
Had a 30 min phone conversation with my 25 yr old son  - very open conversation on so many topics.   Makes me feel blessed that he's comfortable talking about things with his mom.
Coming to an end on a big project at work - should reduce stress and extra hours.   
Needed a new dress for an event tonight and actually found one yesterday that I like and it was on clearance!  
The sun is shining today after probably two weeks of blah weather  - a beautiful fall day.
One of many positive things that's happened (or will happen) this week (Sunday) is my husbands and my anniversary.  I don't think I could find a better man/husband.  No matter how I feel he's always there to make me laugh...and if I'm having one of those days where I feel unattractive, he always makes me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world.  He's never let me down in any way and is always there (usually before I even have to ask) to help me with even the simplest tasks that need to be done.
Since we have our granddaughter to watch tomorrow (an all nighter) we'll be going out tonight to our favourite restaurant to celebrate.
Nice to read everyone's positive posts!
Thanks for starting this thread, Schell!
Kelly...you will never be unattractive.  Not to us or hubby.  Enjoy your evening out!  Wendy...nothing like a new baby to melt the heart.  Gotta love them.
The painters have finally left my house and they did the greatest job.  I awoke to the sun shining in my eyes because I do not have any window coverings yet.  It is like moving into a brand new house.  Dh is hard at work because we have to put the house back together again.  Like you Kel...I have a winner in every way.  Could not have chosen a better husband and father!!
Again Schell....thanks for starting this thread.
foot in mouth disease!!!!
TeedOff2009-10-24 14:30:04Schell, this is a great topic. Makes me smile reading about the good things that are happening here. Thanks :) What a wonderful thread! The happiest thing for me this past week was my oldest son calling to say he and his wife and three kids would be down for Thanksgiving. Because all my kids live in Seattle, they all figure it is easier for me to drive up there for holidays so it has been a long time since I've had Thanksgiving at my house. They won't be able to stay the whole weekend because they are in the midst of a major addition to their home and Mike wants to have Saturday and Sunday to work on it. He's doing as much of the work himself as he can in order to keep costs down. Not sure if the other two kids and their families will be able to join us for Thanksgiving - probably will be spending it with the in-law side of their families. They try to alternate between each side of the family to keep us all happy! Today has started out to be sunny and I have to get out and rake some leaves. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and lots of positive things to post on Monday! Here is my glass half full story!  I can now walk 1.7 miles in 27 minutes!  I am now 8 weeks out and doing pretty darn good!  I am going to cardiac PT 2x weekly and walking or riding my indoor bike on off days.  I am also lifting tiny weights!  My body feels so different since surgery, I look in the mirror and see no swelling, no dark circles, no bags under the eyes and, as a bonus, a thinner face... Who is that person???   WOW No bags under your eyes! I have been looking for a cure for that. Glad you are feelling better Wadie. Enjoy your outing.Waddie...what a wonderful update.  Have a great time on your hike. TeedOff2009-10-24 14:32:50"I feel like a puppy being taken for a ride!  WooooHoooooo!!!! "

Ahhh, the visuals made me laugh out loud....hanging out the window with the wind blowing through your hair, sniffing the air, tongue lolling to the side, and a smile!!!!! 
What a great update, Waddie.  I'm thrilled that you're doing so well.  I've also been looking for a remedy for bags under the eyes but your remedy is just toooooo drastic; think I'll stick to cold tea bags.
I love reading the good side of everyone's life.  We all have those good people and times but we seldom post about them and it's so uplifting to read the posts.
The most positive thing today is my cat's paw is much better.  Loki came in from outside yesterday limping a little and by nightfall it was swollen to twice it's size and he howled when I picked him up.  He allowed me to put hot compresses on it for about an hour and by this morning the swelling is almost gone and he's limping just a little.  The handsome fella is 16 years old but I'm just not ready for him to go to the great catnip camp in the sky. 
Lets keep this thread going and I hope many others will join in and tell us about what has made them happy recently and/or the positive things that are going on in their life.
Snow, working is very fullfilling after not being able to for so long.  I'm working about 20 hours a week as events coordinator at the senior center and then working as the volunteer coordinator for the state's rural volunteer program.  Yes, my work is beyond fullfilling. 
Hope everyone's weekend is filled with sunshine.  Lindy
I LOVE reading these. Just call me an old softie!
Cathy, so glad to hear about your progress and meds!
Kelly, Happy Anniversary!
Mary, enjoy your visitors!!
Waddie, what a great update! Keep getting better!
Lin, so glad your cat is better...I just love my furry friends!

Yes, let's keep it going! It is so great to read such wonderful things~ ((HUGS))
No WAY....not letting negative run over this one.......BUMP.  Anyone else have anything positive to add? C'mon.....you KNOW you do!!!!!


Something I am NOT happy about...dh put my golf cart to bed for the winter.  I am most unhappy as the sun is suppose to shine on Wed. and Thurs.  Maybe I can thumb a ride from someone.Yes Alzheimer's patients will amase you from time to time. My Grandmother had broke her hip. Shortly after recovery when i went to visit all she would do was run. Bless her heart her mind was telling her to run regardless of what her body thought about it.
This afternoon I got a big chuckle from my niece. She is saying alot of words. Somethings she understands but others she does not. My Mom was talking to my five year old niece and asked her if she had shown her trick to her Aunt? The baby must have thought Grandma was talking to her. She had her head and hands down and bottom up in the air as if she was going to a somersault. So she was showing me her trick. LOL
Aww, Snow owl, I hope your owies are better..and YAY...no chrome!  [QUOTE=schell]
Teed, just hike up your skirt....he he....maybe hubby will take it out for ya!


And AHem.....I meant the GOLF CART!!!Teed, I'd come by and take you with me if I could.  We're golfing Mon. afternoon.  I can understand why you've put it away...you have ferocious winters!! I'll play until probably Dec. 1 then I'll put everything away.  Can't stand to play when it's cold or even chilly.  We'll have good days till Dec.  One year I wore shorts to the mountains to cut our Christmas tree!!!
What is everyone doing for Thanksgiving?  What recipe do you cook every year, no matter what? 
We're headed to Las Vegas to have T with Stan's family.  The only problem are all the small nieces and nephews......those little puppies better not be sick!!  The one item I cook every year is apple, sausage stuffing.  We all love it and it flavors the turkey.
Loki's paw is almost normal and no limp - yeah. 
Snow, I didn't realize you were working with Alzheimer patients.  We hold a workshop monthly for Alzheimer caregivers and also have a respite program for caregivers.  Unfortunately that euphoria stage only lasts for so long and then goes into another stage of the disease that's difficult to deal with.  I have a tremendous amount of admiration for caregivers of Alzheimer patients.  It's one of the most difficult jobs.  Lindy
Yum!, LinB, that sounds good! You should share with the rest of us.

I hate cooking,really I do...but I TRY to throw something together. DH loves my pumpkin pies, so I have to make two fo them just for HIM....Other than that..I got nothing. Wish I did!!
[QUOTE=schell] [QUOTE=schell]
Teed, just hike up your skirt....he he....maybe hubby will take it out for ya!


And AHem.....I meant the GOLF CART!!![/QUOTE]
I just about fell off the chair when I read that.  I was not going to say anything but when you came back...I am still giggleing.  That is so funny.
*snicker* snicker *snort* Yeah, well when I read it I thought, Holy cow..THAT did not sound good!  Lindy....don't make me come after you.  I will be sitting here with a long face wishing I could go out too.  Dh said it was suppose to snow tomorrow but he forgot to tell me Tues and Wed are sunny.  Well, I drove all year so I guess someone else can take their cart.  I take mine so it is easier to get into the cart using the steering wheel.  Besides, some of these drivers, I am afraid they will go too fast around a corner and I will fall out.Just a little giggle for ya.. Tonight my youngest asked me, "Mommy, why you say you are not the maid, but I thought you MADE me?" *snort* Kids they are just the greatest. They certainly keep me entertained.Teed, come on down anytime!! I did fall out of the cart last year thanks to my dear DH and his hot foot.  Most embarrassed.  LindyThere was a time of joy on this board and I'd like to hark back  by pointing you to a thread.
This is an oldie but a goodie where some of us were game enough to show our faces.
Go have a peek.
Those were great, Stephen. Maybe one day it will get back to that.

Today, the rain and wind has stopped.  The sun was out for most of the morning, so I consider that to be a positve thing!

I'm on my way to the bookstore to browse among the cookbooks and possibly even buy a couple
Here's to apple pie, apple crisp and the family favorite...apple cake with cream cheese frosting Thanks Stephen....there are a lot of good old friends on those photos.we used to have a really good time on  hereI hope those of us on this thread can bring back the good times! I really enjoyed the photos. I have wondered why most folks on this board do not post pictures and most of the profiles tell you absolutely nothing about the person - no home towns, hobbies, etc. Is everyone here afraid to be identified? Maybe I'm too trusting. What happened to create this atmosphere? I'll keep hoping we are able to continue the positive thread and other similar threads to offer support and encouragement. That's what I come here for. Have a great day!Me too, Mary! I will post my pic! I ain't skeered. Will upload one today. :) Love the friendships I have created on here. Can never have too many friends.  Thanks for that Stephen.  Those were great photos.  I do not remember that time though but I remember some of the names that no longer post.  I wonder what happened to Boney?  He was so funny.  [QUOTE=reegie]My 9 month old baby boy is smiling at me. [/QUOTE]
I mean't to say 9 week old, boy I need some sleep. Nine months is such a great stage.  Are the two older ones jelous of him or are they patiently waiting for him to get bigger?bump [QUOTE=Lynn49]I'm on my way to the bookstore to browse among the cookbooks and possibly even buy a couple Another positive item: a telephone call from a lifelong friend and 30 minutes of chit-chat; refreshing, invigorating, and charming. Awesome, guys...good things to do today. My good day happenings are that I haven't gotten out of my robe and pjs all day, and I think I will stay in them! I am worn out and hopeful that today will have me ready to wake at 5am and get my oldest to cross country on time and my youngest to school!  Will someone tell me what "Bump" means on this forum? I see it frequently and don't get it. I'd also like to know what HD means - husband dear? Is there a place you can go to get the definitions of codes used in posts? Thanks!It is a means to place the thread at the top of the page. and hd? Do you mean DH, Dear husband? DS dear son, etc. I think I've ended a very nice day at home.  Did some laundry, played with the kitties, read, and had pasta and meatballs for supper.  A relaxing day at home is always positive.  LindyIt has been rather quiet today. Quiet is very nice from time to time.Well Ladies, It was so nice to see so many positive things on here! Thanks for all the updates and for showing me the beauty of the board. God bless. Thanks guys for the definitions. I've had a great weekend. Did some yard work yesterday, then went to a neighbor's "packing party." She's moving and invited a bunch of us from the neighborhood to help her pack. She supplied all the wine, marguaritas (sp?), etc., pizza, etc. and we packed till we dropped! It was fun and we got almost the entire house packed in a couple of hours with lots of camaraderie. Hate to see good neighbors leave but we seem to get wonderful ones in each time. I live in a terrific neighborhood where we all look out for each other and help whenever someone needs it. I've been on the receiving end and on the giving end! The best news of ever was that I woke up this morning and could still get out of bed after all that activity yesterday - I guess the Remicade is working !!!!! Hooray!!!!!I went to see one of my grandchildren this morning to discover that he still is not crawling.
He has been showing all the signs of crawling but just has not got it figured out yet.

But   but .........  he pulls himself up your  your leg with a very tight grip and walks himself around your body.
Not quite 360 deg around but he does get about a third the way round.
I had to tighten the belt as the jeans were slipping.

The other bit of good news was that I was able to fix my daughters computer after about three hours, the real reason I was there.
I just spent a great afternoon and evening with my gf playing video poker and bingo.  So many laughs that my face hurts. 
Get to watch my grandson tomorrow also.  He is coming to watch Superman.
I picked grapefruit and lemons off our trees ( and the ground after strong winds last night!) for my Meals on Wheels clients as we have a glut. Hubster and I decided to move our clothesline so we can make room for a garden to grow tomatillos and bell peppers. We already have a tomato/lettuce raised garden but not enough room for rampant tomatillos and we adore salsa made with them + avocados, lime etc.
Also gave my old Nelson a good gentle groom. Feel bad as he is ill, but a knotty coat wont make him feel any better.
It has been a good positive day. My youngest daughter has swine flu and I feel a bit grotty with a cold so we are just taking it easy. It was my DH 50th birthday on friday and I had arranged a family meal on saturday night . It was a great evening for all that went but as my youngestwas really sick I couldnt attend...:(....but we did celebrate friday evening.
Autumn is here, our clocks went back an hour on sunday morning and there is a nip in the air but the sun is out and the day is looking beautiful.
Stephen...its so much fun when they are at that stage of crawling
Today I'm starting back  working out at PT.  (they have a program for former patients that allow you to use the facilities for a very small fee)  I was unable to do much before the wedding and I miss the weights, treadmil, recumbent bike, etc.......
I feel better both physically and mentally when I'm exercising 4 to 5 times per week.  It makes me feel powerful
Bumping....because I like the positive posts much better than the nasty ones......
Also to all the AF board members who lurk here...That board is back up, at least for the time being Woke to the sound of rain pouring down and just rolled over and went back to sleep. It's a very wet and dreary day and I just haven't been able to pull myself away from the computer to go to my office and get on the computer there! Wish I could just snuggle in with a good book but I suppose I'd better go make a buck or two to pay the bills. Had a fun conversation with my granddaughter Gracie and grandson Jamie yesterday. They told me all about going to the pumpkin patch. Bodak - my youngest Jillian was just about walking when I was in Seattle a few weeks ago for her first birthday party. I've heard since that she is now walking all over the place. There is just nothing better than kids and grandkids! Have a good day everyone and let's keep this thread going and at the top!SnowOwl...what a great story.  That is so cute.  My gs is about to arrive in a few minutes so I can see my newly painted house covered in little hand prints.
It is trying to snow here and I do not like it.  Since I last looked, the ground and lawn have a fine film of it.  No more golf.
Keep this thread going! 
TTT I just finished work and am home for the rest of the day.  Sure like working a half a day.  We just planted tulips, daffodils, hyacinths and paperwhites outside for a splash of spring color.  Also planted paperwhites in beautiful glass bowls and amarylis in silver containers, all should be blooming for the holidays. 
Thinking about resting and reading for the rest of the evening.  Stan made a big old pot of chili, so supper is ready.  Life is good.  It's supposed to be 45 degrees for most of the day tomorrow.......horrors!!!! It's 72 today and beautiful. 
Loki's paw is all better and I have no idea what happened to make it so swollen and sore.  Who knows.  We're in Nevada so it could have even been a snake bite but I think he would have been sicker.  We do have tons of scorpions and it could have been a sting. 
Everyone have a blissful evening.  Lindy
Not fair Lindy.  It has been snowing SNOWBALLs all afternoon and the temp was 2 C. or
32 F.  I have never seen snowflakes that big ever.  Gs said the leaves on the neighbours acorn tree looked like pumpkins.
We are having chili for supper also.  It was the fastest thing to make after my blind lady left.  I mean the lady who is making my blinds.
I am glad Loki's paw is all better.  They are like babies...they can't tell you what is wrong or what happened. 
TeedOff2009-10-26 16:07:27We have just finished our garden revamp for summer too --- re-potting, weeding, cleaning the pool & generally getting ready for a long hot (I think) summer.
My weekend was spent travelling too and from the vet with the dog, 2 major operations & a heap of money but he is remarkably well & recovering -- hopefully this will work!
With the temperatures this week it seems we are finally heading into the warm weather.

Teed, I know it's not fair but someone has to live in the oasis of Nevada!!!!!  That's how this city has marketed itself.  The realtors say it's the banana belt of Nevada.  It's all BS!  When winter finally arrives it's dam# cold.

They just sit and look at you sadly and hope that you'll make it better.


Maz, so sorry about your pup.  Two major operations......yikes.  As long as he's recovering and doing well.  I envy you just starting summer; we just finished summer. 



I just reread this and I am still chuckling.  So cute. thanks Waddie...I think I have swine flu now....have all the symptoms, just waiting for a phone call from my doctor   UGGGHHH!! [QUOTE=Mrs Pincushion]thanks Waddie...I think I have swine flu now....have all the symptoms, just waiting for a phone call from my doctor   UGGGHHH!![/QUOTE]

NO! I am so sorry! Sending good healing vibes your way.
Well, HAPPY Tuesday! I have so much to do today, but good news is, I think I can...I think I can....
I am so tired of all this stuff piling up on me! I am gonna GIT ER DUN today! (a little Tx Talk for you guys, he he)

Grocery shopping, kids to school, laundry, vacuum,you name it, but I am gonna do it TODAY. :) Here's hoping@!!!! [QUOTE=Mrs Pincushion]thanks Waddie...I think I have swine flu now....have all the symptoms, just waiting for a phone call from my doctor   UGGGHHH!![/QUOTE]Yesterday I cleaned a section of guttering in preparation for the rain to start it's tumble to earth so I can capture some of it in my cheap no frills wheelie bin water collect thing me bob type jigger.

I'm like a little kid waiting in anticipation for the rains that have some how moved north. I have a lot of good things!  My son's wedding was perfect.  My other son will soon be home from his Iraq deployment (to his home in another state) and I will see him soon after.  And I'll get to see my little granddaughter and my lovely DIL too!  Thanks Waddie --- he has had 2 op's now on his elbow (he is only 1 yr old) dx was elbow dysplasia - 13 puppies in the litter & I had to pick the lemon ...lol   He is just a beautiful boy though so we were not prepared to put him down ...
Glad you are well,
[QUOTE=Linncn]I have a lot of good things!  My son's wedding was perfect.  My other son will soon be home from his Iraq deployment (to his home in another state) and I will see him soon after.  And I'll get to see my little granddaughter and my lovely DIL too!  [/QUOTE]
Yes! Those are ALL good things. Thanks for sharing each of those with us.

My positive item for today is choices: I have more than I realized and will make all the right ones What great news Linncn ---
Just what a mother needs....
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