Bodak | Arthritis Information


Hi Stephen, I just wanted to say that as long as I have seen you posting on here, you have always been a gentleman, your'e posts are always informative and respectful even when you are telling Lev off, you are still respectful so I just wanted to say thankyou for bringing this kind, respectful and may I say very handsome persona to a forum full of good people and sometimes volatile people, you have a very calming influence and your art is especially joyful to witness, good on you, from Janie.   janiefx12009-10-24 01:53:42Thank you Janie.

Like all of us though I am far from perfect and have holes that need to be covered with lessons learned from experience as I travel this road called life.

Some of those lessons have been hard to swallow but necessary if we are to grow and expand toward what I believe is humanities altermate goal, that being universal love for all.

OH Stephen, get off that soap box and go to bed.
excellent post....Stephen is a niceman who has a lot of wisdom to offer this board.

Janie I dont think anyone will read into this any other way, you always see the good in people which is lovely..x
Thankyou Mrs Pin, thats a lovely thing to say, I think it is one of your qualities too, hugs Janie. I totally agree! Bodak's posts are always respectful and well written. He is an example to be followed. With some of the nasty threads around here, this one should stay up top where everyone can read it! [QUOTE=maryhatz]I totally agree! Bodak's posts are always respectful and well written. He is an example to be followed. With some of the nasty threads around here, this one should stay up top where everyone can read it! [/QUOTE]
Very sweet man! And great pictures,to boot!