Do you think? | Arthritis Information


Do u ppl think i have a cold? or could it be allergies (seems too late for that tho)

i have:
runny nose
stuffy nose
slight sore throat
losing my voice, it comes and goes
my arm hurts too, but my mom thinks its cuz i fell off of my treadmill last weekend
wat should i do about my cold?, cuz i cant take cold medicine
i heard that honey helps w/ sore throats, but idk wat else to do lol
HI Star, you could get some throat lozenges from the chemist, they soothe the throat and unblock the nose.  If it lasts too much longer get a check up to make sure you don't have an infection that may need antibiotics.  When you go to bed at night, put some vicks on the underside of your feet and wear some socks over it, people swear by this especially Madonna!  Also put some on your chest and a little under your nose to keep your nose clear.  Plenty of rest and hot drinks.  Home made soups are great.

If on the other hand it is an allergy, ask your chemist what you can take with your medicines, all the best Janie. Good luck! thnx for the advice Janie
kno wat, my grandma sayd the same thing about the vicks on the underside of ur feet, but i was sure it wouldnt work
but now, that i heard it from someone else too, it must work lol
my mom called the doctor, to see if i could have cold medicine, but i dont think i can, they sayd they'd call back later
maybe its an allergy, my mom stopped making me take my allergy pill a few weeks ago, so maybe...
Why can't you have cold medicine, I am curious, I know there will be a valid reason, but maybe I can learn something here.  well, im not exactly sure, but what i could figure out from wat my rhuemy guy sayd a looong time ago was, that with the meds for JRA that i take, i cant have cold medicine, cuz it'll do something
altho, im not sure exactly what the consequence would be, if i did take cold medicine
does anyone else taking mtx, or prednisone have restrictions on cold medicine too? or is my doctor some crazy person lol 
ETA: my mom thinks the doctor place forgot about me, cuz they didnt call back yet I DID IT
i took some grape flavored dimeatapp
the nurse lady at my doctors place, sayd i cant take other things cuz they affect ur liver. so thats why.
i can take dimeatapp or robatussin ( i KNOW i spelled that wrong)
but nothing else
uh oh
the nurse called back and sayd that i should NOT take dimeatapp because of my eye pressure, ugh
now i get robatussin (sp?) lol
no dimeatapp for me
