Deep Bone Pain | Arthritis Information


Today I have had this pain in my theighs and calves (mostly my right theigh) that is just a deep pain. Like my bones hurt. It is just different that the joint pain I have and I feel it a bit in my arms too. I did start the Methotrexate yesterday and wondered if maybe it is a side effect. I just feel worse today---more tired.  Anyone get this?MTX did that to me to some degree too, but I still have the problem on some days and no longer take the mtx.  Guessing it's just another one of those fun things we get to experience.  Hugs and good vibes.Along with my joint pain I have always had bone pain too.  Especially in my forearms on the top part of my arm.  And on the front bone of my thighs as well.  Seems to go with my RA.  I also have nodules near the bones on my arms.   Sorry you have it too.   Take care and I hope you feel better soon.   Susan Lee