I'm so sorry too, everyone! | Arthritis Information


Since Lyndee was so gracious to apologize I thought it would be a great time for me to also.  I too am so sorry for all the ugliness I've displayed on this board.  I'm also sorry for lying to all the members in order to hurt someone else.  This board needs to be about support and I've done nothing to promote that and everything to ruin it.

I especially want to apologize to levlarry for all the horrible things I accused him of in the past.  I intentionally lied about things regarding him just to make him look bad to the other members.  Lev, please forgive me.
It's so easy to join the "destructive crowd" instead of standing up for myself and others that are right.  I took the easy way out by following the very people who should be kicked off of this board.
So, I humbly apologize for my part in the all the ugly fighting going on.  Please forgive me AI members.
Μrs Рincushion2009-10-27 21:34:27Prickcushion says this isn't her...................I knew it was to good to be true.  Kudos to whoever duplicated the names, love it!   Prick, you really need to get a life. 
Private Message
One thing you have to realise Lisa0nline is that I was on this board a long time ago so I have no intention of letting you run me off.....i care about it and i care about the few original members and new members on here too...so to let you keep spouting your mouth off, making up fake ID's doesnt phase me at all....Have you not realised that you have become like a toy bouncy ball...you just get bounced from post to post in our games....no one takes you seriously..
go ahead , post this PM if you must...just your style but its just another annoying thing you would do to try and get noticed.
Not many views eh prickcushion...which means members here DON'T GIVE A sh*t ABOUT YOU.
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