my joints hurt | Arthritis Information


Hey Everyone, I havnt said hi in awhile. How is everyone doing?

im not so great. my joints have been really bad. im begining to think that the remicade isn't working. my joints have been hurting super bad. to the point that im not doing stairs....elevators it is whenever possible. interestingly for the first time my crp and sedrate are actually not a lot at all, but its unusual for them to off at all for me.

im also anemic, greaaat. I hate red meat.

my legs hurt :( Sorry you feel so crappy little mermaid. Do you have a hot tub or whirlpool in the rec hall at school? Maybe that would help your legs. It's amazing how RA can ravage while your inflammation markers stay relatively low or non existent. I'm like that too. It tricks you into thinking your meds must be working even when your body is telling you- no they are not! Awww...Little's never nice when we hurt extra and unfortunately it's part of this challenging disease.

Try and remember that this too shall pass. Nothing ever hangs around forever.

Take care of yourself. And I mean really nurture yourself, girl. Get extra rest. Reassess your priorities and only do what is absolutely essential. Use the rest of your energy for doing comforting and soothing things for yourself. I find a good cry is often appropriate when I feel like you do. I ball my eyes out and then feel so much better as there is a lot of emotional stuff we need to process as we deal with our RA. Let it all out...the frustration...the anger...the little losses we are constantly experiencing through this journey.

And most importantly don't beat yourself up for this flare.

When we are very symptomatic, it is normal and natural that we get depressed. You sound a bit down right now and understandably so.

Your Remicade may not be doing the job. Listen to your instincts about whether it's time to explore other options.

Take care, honey and hang in there. Thanks for checking in with us. I think maybe you need to give the Remicade a little while longer. You have not been on it that long have you? Well maybe I lost track of time. Well discuss this with your RD of course.

Sorry you are not feelling so great. Still it is good to here from you. I hope you feel better soon.
yea a little depressed would be an understate. i think i have more meds for my head than my joints right now...or at least they are equal. HAH

yea that was my 4th, maybe 5th infusion...i talked to my rheumatolgist today and she thinks its possible they didnt give me as much as i ussually get with my other doc, so i might have to go back and get more....

soo tired. im so busy no way i can just relax. especially considering im still trying to catch up from the swine flu. but ill do my best this weekend relaxing...I am always so proud of you. Such a dedicated student. Keep up the good work. Do try to get a power nap or two in over the weekend it will do you good. milly2009-10-31 00:36:53

Little Mermaid!

I hope you're able to find some relief soon. Keep smiling and keep your chin up. It WILL get better!! Many, many gentle hugs to you. (And Happy Halloween!)
