Sleepy | Arthritis Information


 I have spent most of today sleeping. Seem to have been in a flare all week. What a busy week it has been. Had the worst plumbing problems. The handy man gave up and called a plumber. Tree roots or something?

Tuesday night the baby was sick. Walked across town to babysit the older kids while my sister took the baby went to the eroom. DX pneumoniaitis.
Wednesday night my other niece had to go to the eroom. Dx virus and uti
Thursday sister had surgery.
All of that was more emotionally draining than physically. I hurt too much all week to over extend alot. The baby is getting bigger. I almost can not pick her up anymore. Shall I say I did pick her up a few times but sparingly. Most of the time I sit down on the floor next to her playpin and play with her. She is into everything and when you pick her up she twist and turns and trys to get loose. She is just ready to roam like the big kids. If I put a bunch of big kid toys on the floor she will stay in one place for awhile and play. Changing her diaper is now a challenge. She does not have the time for this either. Her first birthday is in a few weeks.
Well I put on a pot of coffee and will make an effort to stay awake for awhile. I hope it is just the rain. Rest is nice but I hate to sleep all of the time. Plus I had the brain fog that comes with the fatigue. It takes me five minutes to figure out that people are talking to me.
Today is not so painful. Very rainy. Should get one to three inches of rain today.
No wonder you're tired - it sounds like an exhausting, stressful week.   Sometimes sleep can be the best medicine if you're starting to flare, so give in if you need to. Also it is easy to sleep when you are not in so much pain that the meds do not touch it. All week the pain was keeping me from sleeping. Last night I was massaging my knuckles trying to relieve the pain. Earlier in the week it was my feet keeping me awake.
So today my sleep was not interupted by pain. Sooooooooo nice. Barometric pressure was bad. My Mom even had a hurting foot. Old injury from an old hiking accident that broke her foot. The weather certainly did not help.
The stress even kicked my fibro into high gear. A little bit of rest can go a long way.
Uh, yeah! Can totally understand why you're dragging! I hope you're able to get some much needed rest this weekend and next week isn't quite as eventful for you. None of the repairs, illness or surgery - just good quality time with a calm, quietly playing, not-being-a-handful, snuggly baby girl. [QUOTE=milly]