Tips on staying healthy during cold and flu season | Arthritis Information


Do as the health-care workers do

Doctors and nurses fight germs on multiple fronts. Here's how.

By Kathleen Hom

Thursday, October 29, 2009

"In our environment, we're exposed to communicable diseases every day," says Martin Brown, medical director of Inova Alexandria Hospital's emergency room. Amid coughing, sneezing and ailing patients, hospital workers fight an uphill battle to keep themselves free of colds and flu. And so they are just the ones to turn to for advice on staying healthy.
Wow, they say you can gargle with a little baking soda and warm water to alleviate swelling from a sore throat. I wonder if this would also work when your criocoarytenoid joint is inflammed? Can't hurt to try, huh?
great article.. I do alot of that preventative stuff already.....  I don't share phones..EVER... not even in my own house without washing it down w/ alcohol preps!
yes.. I am a germaphobe....  and I'm happy that way  LOL
