Stepped on a nail | Arthritis Information


I got up in the middle of the night and an area of the carpet was loose. I stepped on a rusty nail. I did a good job and hit it with all of my weight. I just got up to use the washroom. I was in a muscle relaxer state and just crawled back into bed and went back to my comatose state. I could have ripped my foot off and I would have gone back to bed I was just that tired.

So today I had to get a td or dpt I can tell from the paperwork. It makes me notice how all of my weight has shifted to my heels. It hurts nasty bad. I try to shift the weight a bit to get off of it and I can not. That is probably why I was able to do such a fine job of landing on it. Well I got that spot fixed and the floor is now safe. Not something I ever noticed before.
Other than that it was just a busy day of errands and chores. Hope you are all well and happy. If not then I wish you all better days.
 Ouchies!!!! Milly Im not sure what td or dpt means but hopefully, something to do with a tetanus booster if you havent had one in a couple of years? Nasty things rusty nails, I can vouch for that.
Hope you foot doesnt give you any trouble and that you have it looked at. 
Its a diptheria/tetanus/pertussis (whooping cough) booster. Lately they seem to be giving the whole shebang when you need a tetanus booster.
 fine by me.
ouchie Milly, carry a flashlight or something!!
yeah they say whooping cough is back- my dr. tried to make me get one of those shots just for the heck of it a couple years ago but they were scarce and I didn't want it so she didn't force me.
Hope your foot is feeling better.
Milly, if it is not one thing bringing you stress and pain it is 37 other things.  I *think* I read elsewhere that you had your tetanus update today, so I send you best wishes for a speedy recover from this latest adventure.

What have your physicians said about your progressive vitiligo? Have they made any connection with either your thyroid or your adrenals?
I had a regular TDAP [tetanus, diptheria, accelular pertussis] booster almost two years ago. The last time I had had one of these was about 12 years earlier and it was just a TD shot. Something about the accelular pertussis component caused a really bad reaction about four days post-injection [which was in the upper arm]. Both my legs from top to bottom swelled up to almost twice the size. It took three months of Lasix to flush out the edema before it was normal again. Anyone heard of this reaction?   [Yes, I reported it to the FDA as an adverse reaction.]  Doctors had never heard of this reaction before.Milly, I hope you got a big ol' hammer and took out all your frustration on that nail (and any of his friends) today!  