sick of being sick | Arthritis Information


Has anyone gotten to a point that you just throw your hands up and say, whatever happens to me is going to happen. Oh well!

I am to that point. I am so stinkin' tired of having side affects from meds and wierd things happening to me. I am so sick of going to tons of dr appts trying to get answers from these doctors that are supposed to be so educated and not getting answers. I try to stay ahead of the game and research things that happen to me and see the doctors immediatley when something's not right just to get an answer of, it could be this or it could be that nothing definitave.
I've gone through being depressed to being mad to now just throwing my hands up and laughing when something else shows up. I'm tired of my husband not TRULY understanding that when I say I'm tired, I need to go to bed and am not being lazy or that doing all the housework is a huge deal for me and can not be superwoman like I used to be.  and people at my work not truly understanding either. I'm tired of worrying how long I'll be around for my 2 boys and if I will be able to keep working.
I just am trying to get used to having "issues"
Thanks for letting me vent.
Yes...I am totally at that point.  I have a huge pile of papers to grade since I have been going to bed so early this whole week.  You know it will be a bad weekend when you are tired just thinking about the amount of work you need to do....  :(
Vent away....I hope you are able to get some relief this weekend.  I am sorry that I don't have any real words of encouragement or advice-Just that I understand.
Hmm!   Looks like you are a little fed up.
Woops, that might be an understatement.

Just let it all hang out and do what you can and just leave the rest.
I to get a little fed up with the looks, well you look ok.

Sometime you think that if only they could get hit by a bus would they then start to understand how you are feeling.
We know that  is not an option.

No one will truly understand unless they have a taste of this disease,  so like trying to quite smoking, one has to change  your mindset.

Hang in there.
Thanks guys
Bodak: This made me laugh...
"Sometimes you think that if only they could get hit by a bus would they then start to understand how you are feeling.
We know that  is not an option."
sorry you're having a rough time right now, Kelly. 
Would your husband be willing to go to app't's with you in order to understand more about RA?  If not,...maybe you could print out some info on RA and have him read it? 
I hope things look up for you soon!
Hi Kelly, vent away and then sit down with your husband and insist that he go to your doctor appts., specifically the RD.  Get a copy of the spoon theory and make him read it.  It's a great way to learn to pace yourself and very explanatory of the process.  There's a copy of it on this forum somewhere.  This is a priority issue and a step in your recovery process.  You need his help and understanding.
We've all been where you are now, frustrated and disappointed beyond belief.  I'm going to be brutally honest with you, it can escalate and worsen.  It's very difficult to get the disease under control and sometimes more difficult to learn to pace, educate and emotionally center ourselves.  I believe you're on the right track; you're super angry about the situation and many times that prompts us to do all the right things and gives us direction once the initial anger dissipates.  Hang in there and keep going.  Yes, it's frustrating but what choices do you have?  You can never let RA win.  Lindy
[QUOTE=LinB].  Yes, it's frustrating but what choices do you have?  You can never let RA win.  Lindy[/QUOTE]

so true Lindy.. [QUOTE=klynn141]Has anyone gotten to a point that you just throw your hands up and say, whatever happens to me is going to happen. Oh well![/quote]
No, but I admit it is my nature to be stubborn, tenacious, and downright bull-headed. I have been overwhelmed, disconcerted, and dumbfounded and still am, nearly daily. I do sympathize with what you are experiencing...
Klynn, how are you doing?  I hope this is a better day for you.  Do you get time off over Thanksgiving?  Are your boys excited, digging through Christmas catalogs making a list?
Feel better, girl, and let us know how you are doing!

No I never get like that.  I also refrain from whining, you should try that positive.