natural remedies?? | Arthritis Information


I've been looking around on the internet for PMR natural remedies. Found some sites that recommend Devil's Claw and MSM. Does anyone here have any info on these and can you take them while on prednisone? I'm down to 12 mg. and still tapering slowly.

Also, craniosacral massage has been recommended to me. Any experience or information with that would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks so much for any help you can give me. I'm struggling to remain positive today!

JannieI haven't heard of that kind of massage, but I have a friend who works with massage & physical therapy. I'll ask her.

With my Bell's Palsy I was instructed by a facial retraining specialist to massage the muscles in my face to reduce the tightness. I imagine massage would be beneficial to PMR sufferers, especially if stress is a factor and muscles feel tight.

Facial massage relaxes my facial muscles and a I notice that my PMR is less painful after each session.

I try to massage my own facial muscles but it just isn't the same as when the specialist does it.

I'll see what I can find out from my friend. It is worth investigating.
Take care.
