Update on Me (Mel) | Arthritis Information


Hello, everyone. Just wanted to give you guys a quick update on myself. My outpatient surgery turned into an inpatient stay (Thurs-Sun). I didn't anticipate the surgery being so rough as everyone I spoke with said it would be easy. I figured I'd be home recovering on Fri, but that didn't happen. My pain (surgery/RA) was out of control and I had a hard time trying to pass gas. I also ended up on oxygen after the surgery - breathing deep was beyond painful and is still uncomfortable. However, I am happy to report that today is much better than yesterday and the day before that and the day before that. My abdomen is still swollen and I get winded if I try to say too much all at once. It's a vast improvement on how I have been though, so I'm very grateful. My DH has been an angel taking care of me and the kids and the house. This has been a stressful situation all the way around. Anyhow, I hope you are all having a superfantastic and extra-comfortable day. I'll try to post more (and on more topics) later, but for now I'll leave it short as I'm definitely needing to lay down and rest! Hugs all around, MelGlad you are home and recovering. I am not aware of what type of surgery you had, but from what I can tell it was abdominal and that is painful no matter what or how it is performed. Take care and I hope for a speedy recovery for you.

Happy to hear you are home and recovering! Sounds like there were some unexpected events following the surgery. Hope you continue to improve!Mel. I wish you a speedy recovery and thank goodness for wonderful husbands
Take care
Lisa xx
Awww {{{{{Mel}}}}}!  As if RA is not enough to deal with!  I am sorry I miss your post about going to surgery... I will send out "extra" to you now.  Take your time on your recovery, dear, recovery from abdominal surgery always seems such slow going.  I am glad you have DH to help out so much, it is evidents how much he loves you and wants the best for you. [QUOTE=CO_Mel]Hello, everyone....it's a vast improvement on how I have been though, so I'm very grateful. My DH has been an angel taking care of me and the kids and the house. This has been a stressful situation all the way around.l[/QUOTE]
YIKES!! Best wishes, good mojo and a quick recovery. It is a revelation how spouses and significant others step-up, as it were, to take care of us in our dire straights.

Please know that I send my best wishes and heartfelt embrasure to you, to your family, and to each member of AI in turn.

To angels! Joan
Hey soCal mel !
I'm sorry you needed an extended stay in the hospital, but I'm glad you're home now. Don't try to do too much (almost impossible with kids around.. I know!).
Here's to wonderful husbands!
LeilaGlad to hear you're on the mend, Mel.  Sounds like a nightmare.  Well, a bad dream anyway, maybe not a full fledged, wake up screaming, nightmare.  I'm happy that you have the help you need, get plenty o' rest and feel better soon.Sometimes the best laid plans...........but so happy you're home safely and have someone to care for you while you recover.  Please take it easy, don't push or rush the recovery process, it will happen according to it's own timeline.  Take care and keep us posted on how you're doing.  Lindy
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