the magic day | Arthritis Information


tommorow, is the magic day:

Veteran's Day, which i have off, no school; suckishly i have a doctor appt.
my mom doesnt even know why we should go
its a nurologist appt. and my brain mri came back normal a few months ago
so idk why im going lol
but, ive been waitin a looooong time
wonder wat its gonna b like...
well, good luck and let us know how it goesthnx and ill b sure to say what happened there lolz :)
cuz idk wats gonna happen
you have off of school, my kids don't?!?!yeah i have off, veterans day
do u celebrate it there? or r u from, UK or Australia or another country like that?
we have Remembrance Day tomorrow here in Canada...not sure if the kids are off though since I no longer have children in school.I think they are off.  I haven't heard if I have to babysit yet so that's why I think they are off.We have tomorrow off school...but my daughter who is a teacher in Florida works tomorrow...go figure
Good luck at your appointment...and after enjoy the rest of your day..
so i went and everything appeared to be normal :)
but to be on the safe side, she wants me to see an optic neurologist and have another visual field test, just to be sure...ugh :(
good news, Star! yay!Hey, Star! My older son is out of school today, too. I'm glad your appointment went well. Better safe than sorry, right? Now that you're home, I hope the rest of your day is superfantastic and extra-comfortable!uh huh, its gonna be superfantastical and extra-super-comfortable
cuz im all done with homework too
algebra is hard!!! lol
