#1InflamedOnline, Info on this LIAR | Arthritis Information


Well, well, well, Lisa remember when you joined in on the attack of AA and threatening her  by posting personal information about her and her daughter, you and that pack of dogs that you called your friends that turned on you?  Well seems I found some info all about you and found that you are a total LIAR!

The Link:
The Screenshot (click to enlarge):

And finally, the post.......looks like Craven IS your last name after all you LIAR!  Liars cannot be trusted!
Senior Member
lol......she thinks I used my real name, I get it she thinks Craven is my REAL name...lol
Sorry got it from WES CRAVEN...you know the writter...lol..
...Audrey you forget, we caught YOU slick!
Now take down my pic...don't forget I have your stupid mug also.
Wow, this picture sure looks different from your facebook picture.
Did you have work done, was this the before picture?  Man she got you but good!!!
And its a well well well from me too!
Is it not interesting that here I was, just 10 minutes ago reading this very post and when I clicked out of it, lo and behold  
Now what do we all make of that. Just what people here have that particular magic wand that can change  things around and then start the thread all over again? Poof!! Gone.
Oh lookee here , its back but red, not blue.
Not enough drama here for one day?
Im lost...what the heck is going on now???????
Lyndee am i missing something here, wasnt this a post from a long time ago....oh dear not again!!!
Oh no Prickcushion, I just found her Facebook...all I did was do a search for Lisa Craven.  And wow, there she was on Facebook, Lisa Craven, even though back in January she told AA/IO that Craven wasn't her last name.
She's a liar, we KNOW you are and then there's joonie, lyndee, teed, lorster, who else runs with your group?
Oh Lisa, give it a rest...does it matter...we have decided that members on this board could be anyone they chose to be. Look at the shug thread.
So what if her name is Craven, a lot of us dont give our real names on here.SHE'S A LIAR, she was caught and then tried to lie about it.according to you we are all liars and disgusting people, so why bother coming on here....its over Lisa.You wish.............LisaBetter add me to the list.
Rather have real people as friends.....  

Goodnight liars.

Yes Audrey, My name is Lisa Craven and I have a FB account. I even have 2 friends on my account that are members here!!!!

Chew on that for awhile....
Oh and I live in Ohio!Oh and my birthday is in 3 days....on the 14th...And yesterday I celebrated my 19th wedding aniversary...and my favorite color is red [QUOTE=Lisa0nline]

Well, well, well, Lisa remember when you joined in on the attack of AA and threatening her  by posting personal information about her and her daughter, you and that pack of dogs that you called your friends that turned on you?  Well seems I found some info all about you and found that you are a total LIAR!

Anyone see a pattern in the way this post is written? You need to be careful the way you write Lisa0, you are very close to giving yourself away.

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Joined: 24?October?2008 Online Status: Offline Posts: 1101 <!-- google_ad_section_end --></TD>
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Posted: 08?January?2009 at 3:19pm</TD></TR>
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<DIV =msg>lol......she thinks I used my real name, I get it she thinks <SPAN =highlight>Craven</SPAN> is my REAL name...lol


Anyone see a pattern in the way this post is written? You need to be careful the way you write Lisa0, you are very close to giving yourself away.lorster2009-11-11 09:21:10furthermore, many ppl here already know who #1 is. she has been on for a while. leave her alone.[QUOTE=lorster]furthermore, many ppl here already know who #1 is. she has been on for a while. leave her alone.[/QUOTE]
lorster, piss off!  You don't know even know the sh*t you leave in your toilet!
Oh and my husbands birthday is Nov 22.... Oh and I leave next week for Thanksgiving ...spending it with my family and Grandson Gavin [QUOTE=#1inflamedOnline]Oh and I leave next week to go to Florida for Thanksgiving ...spending it with my family and Grandson Gavin [/QUOTE]YOU'RE STILL A LIAR!!!!!!!!!!!  [QUOTE=#1inflamedOnline]and I like sunsets and long walks on the beach [/QUOTE]
Me too!
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