Veterans Day Salute | Arthritis Information


Thanking and honoring those who have served and those who are currently on active duty.   Thank you for your service! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU.  I thanked my DH for 30years of service.  Lindy.Today would have been my Dad's 77th birthday.  he spent most of his youth living at Fort Sill.  He joined the Army at 18, then transferred to the Navy where he graduated from the Naval Academy.  He then transferred to the Air Force where he ultimately retired as a Lt Col.  My dad was the only person I ever met he served in 3 seperate branches of the military.Buckeye, pretty darn impressive history.  My father in law served in 3 wars - 2nd world war, was a tank commander, Korea and Vietnam.  There are some incredible histories and stories out there.  Thank you, Buckeye's dad.  LindyAnd now he's the only guy I know of, too, Buckeye!

Thank you to all who have served and are serving and to their families as well. My DH served in the Navy and spent time in Iraq. Both of our fathers were in the Air Force and I have numerous uncles and cousins who served as well. Proud to be an American! Thank you for our freedom!
