helpful hints | Arthritis Information


A long time ago there was a thread that listed helpful gadgets...or helpful tips. I can not find it but i thought it would be good to start a new one.

I will start,
1.I have a stand that my hair dryer perches on. I turn it on and the stand bends in different directions and it also extends up and down. I got it for $ 20.00 including the hair dryer! Leaves sore hands free !
2. I have a food processor that chop and dices..I love it
3. have a magic bullet for smaller jobs.
4. I have a husband to loosen jars and lids that are to tight ( caution they must be fed )
Please post things that you have find useful..or not so useful...
I was looking at the blow dryer stand a year or so ago but totally forgot about it..I must look into that one for sure.
I have one of these to raise my it!
I also have my built up cutlery that my husband made..very nice to use when my hands can't close well.
Here is a link for the dryer
thanksAnd here is that same lame thread that YOU started before:
