My hair :( | Arthritis Information


I've been noticing a lot of loose hair tangled around my fingers when I wash it, way more than what I would expect or what usually comes out.  Could this be from the mtx?  I've been taking it for over two years now, would a side effect just all of the sudden start up like that?

I am guessing it not to be Methotrexate, only because you have taken it for 2 years and I would think side effect would of showed up by now.
We do lose our hair daily, and we grow it daily...I have read there is sometimes a resting period on shedding and
If it gets to severe talk to your doctor. My grandma lost all her hair once when my Papa died. it was caused by stress, and I have a girl friend who had a stroke and she lost every hair on her body and has NEVER grown it back. has been about 6 years now! She is considering having her eyebrows tattooed on. ( I would of done that a LONG time ago).
I remember when they both lost their hair it came out clumps. Wet or could just run your fingers through it and have a handful

Good luck and I hope the shedding stops...
I read on these boards that 5,000 mcg. of Biotin daily would help - and it really has helped me.  I lost about half my hair - it still hasn't grown back yet but I've seen a marked decrease in what is falling out in the shower, comb, and just plain dropping everywhere.  I'm taking GNC's Be Wholesome multi-pack with 2,000 additional mcg. of biotin to bring the dose to 5,000.  I also added 1,000 Evening Primrose Oil.
Good luck!
Thanks, I was thinking it was past time for side effects too.  Maybe it's just seasonal, but I'm gonna try the biotin just in case.  Can't hurt, right?Yes, Methotrexate can cause hair loss.
Had your thyroid levels checked lately?
It very well may be the MTX. I took it for over a year before side effects caught up with me!
I've also been experiencing some hair loss myself, but I assumed it came with not eating well.
Hi Linc, yes MTX can do it and pred!  Has been happening to me for ages but it is self limiting so my RD tells me, good luck with the biotin.  Janie. Mine has been doing that since I started the MTX. For me, it's not a big deal because I have thick hair. I know I have lost alot because when I wash it or put a ponytail in, its much thinner now. My RD thinks I'm nuts when I tell him my hair is falling out in buckets!   I agree with the Biotin , I have been taking it for about 2 years. Also my thyroid has been fluctuating, I was sent to an Endo to be monitored. Good luckI had very thick hair before I started MTX, so when it started thinning out, I was delighted because it didn't take forever to dry after I washed it. But enough is enough! I've got a  very wimpy pony tail now. Sad.
I haven't tried this myself, but I hear the Regenix hair treatment program over at renowned Sedars Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles has some excellent products. I don't know how costly they are but I do know that you can send a bit of hair in for a free microanalysis and they can tell you if they can help you. You can do the whole thing by mail.  
Again......I haven't tried this myself, but I think I'm going to. Check out the website. [Honestly, this isn't spam and I get nothing out of it. I promise.]
And if you try it, be sure to report back here.
Thanks you guys.  Shame about falling hair though.  It must be a real bummer going from thick gorgeous hair to a skinny pony.  My hair is ok, but nothing special, ya know? Not alot not a little. Just hair.  Stil, you grow accustomed to it :)  Maybe if I send in a bit, they can at least tell me if its the mtx thats making it come out. [QUOTE=Linncn]Thanks you guys.  Shame about falling hair though.  It must be a real bummer going from thick gorgeous hair to a skinny pony.  My hair is ok, but nothing special, ya know? Not alot not a little. Just hair.  Stil, you grow accustomed to it :)  Maybe if I send in a bit, they can at least tell me if its the mtx thats making it come out.[/QUOTE]

Save your money - their website is full of typical snake-oil claims. Anyone can still benefit from the improved scalp conditions achieved through the use of a Regenix Jumpstart Kit, even though they may not he a good candidate for the other stages of the Regenix hair loss program."  Well DUH - buy our products no matter what...

"Because Regenix hair loss treatments are not drugs, and do not penetrate into the blood stream, they can be used while pregnant or breast-feeding." - but yet elsewhere they talk about altering the function of the hormone 5DHT.

"Regenix recommends that only Regenix hygiene and styling products be used while in the Regenix hair loss Program."   - Gee, I'm shocked (not).

Regenix is inside the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, which is one of the leading hospitals in the US. I seriously doubt the hospital would allow snake oil sales to take place on their premises.

The testing is free.  You need buy nothing. So what's to lose? No one's twisting your arm to buy the products.
Jas, I'm not going to buy anything from them.  But if the analysis is free, why not?  I'd like to know whether this hair loss is because of the meds or not. [QUOTE=Sam1234]

Regenix is inside the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, which is one of the leading hospitals in the US. I seriously doubt the hospital would allow snake oil sales to take place on their premises.

LOL - right from the website.  "The fact that our clinic is located in one of the most respected medical facilities in the world is testimony to how serious we are about
the science of preventing hair loss."

That proves nothing, other than they can afford the rent in the office building next to the hospital.  Lots of pseudo-medical 'practices' rent office space in office buildings adjacent to hospitals.
[QUOTE=Linncn]Jas, I'm not going to buy anything from them.  But if the analysis is free, why not?  I'd like to know whether this hair loss is because of the meds or not.[/QUOTE]

Go see your dermatologist.