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I am new to the forum.  I have not been diagnosed with RA yet.  I come from a long line of women with RA.  I was recently very ill wth what I thought was the swine flu.  Once I  recovered, I was left with extremely sore joints, alot of fluid in the joints.  Went to dr., all blood tests okay except for elevated sed rate.  Its been a month and I my next dr. appt. is 12/2.  I have extreme lower back pain, ankle, foot, toes, knees, arms, wrists and hands involved.  I take an Aleve every morning and after an hour or so, can function, still lots of pain, but more tolerable.  Can RA come on that suddenly?  I'm 57, normal weight, active, healthy, no health problems, until now, normal aches and pains.  I know you can't diagnose, but can RA begin so suddenly, and following the flu, or were the flu-like symptoms actually RA?  Any ideas would be gratefully appreciated. 
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