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I was diagnosed with JRA when I was just two years young.
I have good days and bad days and really bad days.

I had to retire last year (in my forties).
It was officially due to lymphedema.
I had just thought it was swelling caused by the RA.

I also suffer from fibromyalgia and/or chronic fatigue syndrome.
And as most with chronic disease battle with bouts of depression.

But I trust my God to take care of all my needs.
I am basically a happy and content person. 

Welcome Ladykate:

I'm sure you will find lots of help on this site.  Practical help, and new ideas and a place to blow off steam. 

Like I said in another post, on bad days I thank God for the good days and on good days I enjoy life.

I'm relatively new to arthritis OA for 7 years and RA newly diagnosed in December 05 but I'm sure it has been around the 7 years too just not diagnosed.

When my depression threatens to get on top of me I crank up my CD player (when all the family are at school and work) and play praise CD's for hours on end.  Can't help but lift the fog.

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