Rhuemy appt. Today | Arthritis Information


I had a rhuemy appt. today

he asked about my joints
and so...
he reduced my prednisone dose to 10 mg
and i only need blood tests every 6 weeks now
and i got a swine (H1N1) flu shot
my tummy hurts so bad
i hope it doesnt explode...
it hurt all day
YAY for reducing pred!
BOO for tunkit issues. Does it feel full or are you feeling pukey? Maybe some sprite would help? Hope that goes away quickly!
it feels empty...but i just ate lunch an hour ago :(Try some saltines and a sprite (or coke, something carbonated) and see if it helps.ewwwie, i dont like soda though :(Try the saltines with a bottle of Pellgrino's or Calistoga....one of the carbonated waters.
Reducing the Pred will probably cause you to drop another couple pounds. Lucky you!
my tummy ache's gone but i got a headache now

Hope you feel better soon. I had no reaction to the H1N1 shot. I did have a reaction to the seasonal flu shot but it was mild and only lasted a few days. Glad you got to lower your pred.

We never have talked, but I am glad you are able to have the pred reduced. Things are looking up for you!

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