OT: Chat for Thursday, 19 Nov | Arthritis Information


Just thought I'd start up a chat to see how everyone is doing today and what you've got going on.
My toddler and I are here at the pc watching vintage cartoons on youtube. Half the screen has AI up and the other half is being occupied by Gumby. hehe  I tried to get him to watch He-Man and She-Ra, but he just wasn't interested. (Who doesn't love He-Man or She-Ra.. sheesh!) He wasn't interested in Smurfs either. Weirdo. If you have any cartoon favorites, let me know and hopefully youtube will have them.
I'm feeling much better today than I did yesterday so that's always a good thing. I plan on getting out some Christmas decorations later and work on my plan of attack. It's gonna look like Christmas puked in here.
My first goal, though, is to clean out our kitchen junk cabinet. The poor thing is overflowing. Can't have that! 
Hope everyone is having a superfantastic an extra-comfortable day!Hi Mel...my son used to love HE-MAN...lol...hes 18 now and still likes it..
My DH has been away on business for 3 months only home on weekends but he is back tonight for good...so we are having a huge celebratry dinner, the kids are really excited. I am off to see my god children tomorrow and hand out xmas presents as I wont be seeing them over the festive season , they are away for december, so tomorrow will be our special little xmas.
I think we all have a kitchen junk cupboard...I have several...haha
I am having Lunch at my desk...last day at office until Nov 30th...yahoo! Bailey spent the night last night, and left this morning at 7:00. She'll be back at 4:00 pm for one more night then I have a few days off to just relax.
I've spent most of the morning doing Christmas cards up for my husband's business.  I'm hoping to be done by tomorrow.
Mel...Bailey and I always watch cartoons on youtube..I love having her watch some of the old ones I used to watch as a kid.  She loves the 3 pigs from silly symphonies.
Pin...enjoy your mini Christmas tomorrow!
#1IO...enjoy your last day...Florida soon!
Nothing like the vintage Tom and Jerry and Bugs Bunny cartoons!  Probably too violent now...  Pin, it's so wonderful that your DH will be home now! I can sympathize with how hard it must have been only seeing him on the weekends. We went through the same thing while my hubby was in training. He was only 2 1/2 hours away, but still he was away. I'm sure having him sleep next to you again all the time is going to feel great. Is it going to be a steak dinner?  Yay for early Christmas celebrations! We will most likely do the same thing here with my oldest as the plans are for him to visit his Dad in TX over winter break.
IO, hope you had a great lunch and the rest of your day passes quickly so you can get on with the vacation!
Kelstev, are you having to print out all the addresses by hand or are you stuffing envelopes? Either way, be careful not to overdo it!
Waddie, I absolutely LOVE Christmas!! I've been tormenting my poor hubby about wanting the decorations up already. "But the Walmart Carol of the Bells commerical was on tv today!" "CVS pharmacy has their decorations up!" "Your friend let his wife put their decorations up. He must love her A LOT." Hehehe! And I guess it worked (either that or he got tired of listening to me.) Last night he pulled down a tub for me and I have a red bow on my palm tree in the dining room along with a snowman and a santa. I need to figure out where to hang all these lights.
I hope that rain passes quickly for you. (Can't have rainbow without the rain. Hardeeharhar) I'm so proud of how well you've been doing hearwise. It's great to hear PT is going so well and that you enjoy it. You're gonna be just fine!
I attempted to tackle the kitchen junk cabinet. The junk is no longer in the cabinet... now it's on the counter!
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