OT: Lynn49 and others please help if you can... | Arthritis Information


My daughter (age 14) has been sick since the beginning of September.  It was believed to have been the H1N1 flu.  It went into a double ear infection and another week or so of nasuea and one vomit.  Since about mid Oct. she has been having lung issues.  Standard chest x-ray and cbc bloodwork and mono tests are all negative.  Since mid Oct. she has experienced wheezing (but that isn't too bad now) tightness and pain in the lower lungs.  Inhalers don't do anything.  Five days of prednisone didn't do anything.  Does anyone know how this virus can effect the lungs when its not pnuemonia? and not asthma? and not bronchitis?  My daughter did have pnuemonia last year.  Any help or thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  It is not all in her head as one doctor told us!  She still has a cough that doesn't produce anything and tightness and pain in the lungs/chest.  She has missed so much school.  Please help if you can.  We aren't able to see a pulmonary doctor until mid December.  Thank you so much.

Can you take her to either Urgent Care or to the Emergency Room rather than wait for December? It has always worked for me. Sounds too serious to wait.
Good wishes,

If she has a regular doctor or pediatrician try and get a referral to a pulmonologist who specializes in lung issues.  Maybe her doctor can contact the pulmonologist and get her in ASAP.  Keep us posted.  Lindy



LinB2009-11-19 20:38:34Absolutely - agree with Lindy - she needs to see a pulmonologist.
You really need a specialist and the sooner the better. I would go back to the ER or UrgentCare and tell them you want a direct referral to a pulmonologist. STAT!  They can usually get you in within a day or so. Be ADAMANT.
A Pulmonologist can weed out very quickly what takes other doctors forever to figure out.
Let us know.
Sam12342009-11-19 19:07:47one more vote for a pulmonologist


please consult a doctor regarding your daughter.  Be persistent and be her advocate!



Kim, I'm so sorry she hasn't been feeling well for so long. Have they tried albuterol breathing treatments? I'm with the rest of the group, though, to push for a quicker appointment date. She needs to be seen right away. Camp at the hospital until you get what you need, definitely - urgently, don't take any chances with all the viruses etc that go around.  Keep strong and you will be ok, just jump up and down a bit.  The quiet ones get nowhere as the noisy ones get priority!  Janie. pksmd,
I sent you a pm.  I hope it helps some Thanks everyone.  We did take her to the ER Monday morning hoping they would run a different test or let us see a pulmonary doctor.  But, they wanted to know why we took her there even though we had been working with our primary.  They did the standard blood work and basic x-ray.  As usual, they don't show anything.  They did a breathing treatment that didn't do anything.  She has been using an inhaler that doesn't do anything either.  So we aren't using it anymore.  The ER doctor said it could just take awhile to feel better from the H1N1 flu.  She has no idea how long.  Now most think its all in her head so short of seeing a therapist (which we have scheduled) no one is doing anything.  Nothing changes day after day.  We just think we are missing something.  I know you don't know my daughter, but this is so out of character.  anyway, thanks for all your help and support.
I wish you the best with this....... keep pushing.. You know your daughter...
Kim, is your daughter taking any medications, vitamins or supplements?
PS - I hate it when people suggest "it's all in your head." Yeah, buddy, wait until you feel this way and see what you say then! Hi Mel - she takes a One-A-Day multi-vitamin and sometimes if she doesn't take that my husband makes a drink with milk and a vitamin powder.  It is just so hard seeing her missing out on life with her friends and not having any energy to do much.  I have told her about some of the people on here that have experienced a doctor telling them nothing is wrong and what some go through.   She just looks sick and pale and has a cough that exists!  She is looking really pale to me right now and says she just doesn't feel good.  Sorry, but I need to go to her now.  Oh, she isn't on any medicines right now.  Thanks.
I thought maybe it might be caused by something she was taking?? Hmm...
I'm sorry you're having to see her stuggle with these symptoms and have no answer. I'm sure you'll take care of her the best you can until her doctor's appointment. Hopefully then they will be able to provide some answers for you guys or at the least, give her an rx for something to help with the symptoms (which will hopefully cure her!) Take her to a rheumatologist.... they're the ones that figure it all out on Mystery Diagnosis!Funny you should say that - I told her at this rate we may end up on Mystery Diagnosis!

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