What meds did you try after methotrexate? | Arthritis Information


I was wondering what medicines you've tried if methotrexate wasn't working well enough alone? Anything besides the biologics is what I am curious about and how they worked for you ?

I see my Rheumy tomorrow and am going to ask if I should be on something else besides mtx. I've been on it about 3 months and am at 10 mg or .4 ccs. she has increased it everytime I've seen her. I'm getting more pain in my joints now that's increasing. Thought it was working but seems it's getting worse now.


Kelly Hi Kelly,

10 mg is a really low dosage, and 3 months is also very early in your treatment. I found it took me closer to 6 months to really feel the effects of mtx, and by that time I was up to the max of 25 mg. I know it's difficult, but your dr. will likely ask you to be a bit more patient in waiting for relief.

I do hope you are feeling better soon.

- Joy
My RD gradually stepped up the dose because of the side effects I had originally. [No one told me about folic acid. Shame on them!] 

The key is early, aggressive treatment. It took me about 3 months as well, before the inflammation started to settle down. He also put me on an NSAID as well.
I seriously doubt the MTX is responsible for the increased pain. Have you considered the biologics like Enbrel? I'd go on it in a heartbeat, if  I could.
Klynn, like Joy said you're on a very small dose, actually a small starting dose.  I think most start off at 12.5 mg and increase from there.  Maybe your RD was being extra careful with you because of your reluctance to start a dmard.  I didn't feel any significant changes until I hit 15 mg. weekly and then at 18 mg I felt a big difference.  My RD increased MXT every 8 weeks and I was at 18 mg. at 6 months. You can judge how you'll react to how any of us react.  You have a lot of room for increase.  I stayed at 18 mg. and decreased to 15 mg. when all of my labs were normal and I felt great, then I went down to 12.5 mg. and stayed there for many months.  When I started MXT I was taking antibiotic therapy but after 6 months I went onto a biologic.  Consider adding Enbrel to the mix.  Like I've said before you're in the early stages and you are likely to achieve clinical remission.  That should be your goal.  Lindy LinB2009-11-22 17:03:16Hi Kelly
I found that plaquenil and sulfasalazine both helped in addition to the mtx.  But I also agree with the others that maybe your mtx needs to be increased.
Even with the addition of plaquenil (that's the one that I had added first) it still took a few weeks to make a difference.
Good Luck!
Thanks guys. Yeah, my rheumy has tried to get me to start enbrel several times but I am so worried to start it . I also worry if I don't knock this out sooner than later it will get worse and fast. It's been almost 2 years since being diagnosed with ra and all I've seen is more and more wierd things happen to my body and I really feel ra is causing it. I hate guessing whether to keep increasing mtx and hope it takes care of it or start enbrel and worry about the scary side affects that could happen.

I appreciate all your opinions and advice, it does help in my decisions .hey guys,

why don't you try to have a look on this Free ebook "Whispering The Truth From Rheumatoid Arthritis Survivors" eBook.

I've downloaded it and there is lots of ways to treat your pain.

methotrexate may not be a best answer!

It is FREE and one thing about this website ... They will advice you how to make money at home while having this RA but need to opt-in to their website.

All the best!
Plaquenil and MTX worked for me and like others at about 6 months and a bit more.
I started on 10 then to 15 before stepping up to 20.
I'm now maxed out at 25 and taking Humira as well.
Plaquenil has been dropped.

Regular blood tests on a monthly basis should keep tabs on how your body is coping.
Thanks everyone. I saw my rheumy yesterday. She said she will keep increasing Methotrexate slowly to make sure I dont have any side affects. I'm now at .5cc's ( I think that's 12.5 mg).
I didnt realize everytime you increased mtx that it takes atleast 3 months from the time you increase it, to feel the increased full effect. Maybe in a few more months I'll feel better, lets hope!

I too am on MTX (in combination with plaquenil and sulfasalizine).  When I started I took 4 and the follwing monthg I upped it to 6 (if no side effects), and the month after to 8 which I am at now and I dont think my rheumy would increase it anymore.  I am doing OK...not perfect but I can definetely live the way I am.  My rheumy wants me to try other drugs - arava to be more specific. 

But...my advice is to stick with the MTX for a while.  10 mg is a very small dose and three months is nothing...it wasent until at least 5-6 months that i felt better. 
Hang in there.
P.S : I too am very scared of the biologics...I'm putting off taking them until I reeeaaaaally need to. 
Does anyone here who is taking MTX have a rheumatologist who believes in doing liver biopsies? That's very old school, especially since all they have to do is read the liver function tests to know when you're maxing out on MTX, but some RD's still believe in those stupid biopsies.My Rheumy hasnt suggested doing a biopsy, just the regular blood tests every month.[QUOTE=Sam1234]Does anyone here who is taking MTX have a rheumatologist who believes in doing liver biopsies? That's very old school, especially since all they have to do is read the liver function tests to know when you're maxing out on MTX, but some RD's still believe in those stupid biopsies.[/QUOTE]
I've been taking mtx for almost 18 yrs...my doctor has never suggested a biopsy.The reason I asked is because I got an email from a friend whose brother just had a liver biopsy because he reached the cum maximum dose of MTX. I was floored. I'd thought they stopped doing that years ago and instead took you off MTX for a while until the LFT's normalized.Hi Kelly
I hope you start feeling better soon as your dosage is increased, but I hope you don't have to wait too long before she bumps you up from 12.5.  
CathyMN2009-11-24 14:38:39Sam, I didn't think liver biopsies were still done on MXT patients unless there was a reason, like persistent elevated liver enzymes, pain or a  positive showing on xray or ultrasound.  It is old school but I'm sure there's some RDs out there who are recommending the procedure.  I saw an RD in the spring when we moved back to Nevada and she believes in mono therapy only!!  I almost fell over when she said that.  That was my first and last appt. with her.  I think there are outdated practices in any specialty and that's why we need to be our own advocate so we can discuss ideas like this with our doctors.  LindyA liver biopsy? No...never...just monthly bloodwork to make my liver enzymes are in order..actually, my doc told me to go every other month now.  But then again, I had read that patienst should have a chest xray when on MTX...which I never have had. 
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