Report advertisers | Arthritis Information


How about this, fellow members:

I just clicked on "!Report" and sent a message to the forum moderators/administrators asking for their help in trying to keep these sneaky advertisers off of our message board. It is really unfair to the advertisers who legitimately pay for their advertising on the correct page. I suggested that if they (moderators/administrators) couldn't keep them off, could they at least try to devise some sort of coding system we could use to signify when one of these posts appear so that we don't waste our time viewing it and giving them free viewing.

Maybe if more of us would complain & go to the posting's "Report" this problem might be able to be corrected. We won't know 'til we try. What do you think?




I'm with you Rana.  I've been on "report" for each one that comes up.  I welcome a helpful suggestion, or advice regarding things to try.  But these obvious advertisements for miracle cures are really beginning to make me angry.  And it's NOT fair to those that pay the fee and follow the rules. 



Rana several of us have done it haven't heard an answer though.

I've reported them as they show up.

