Wishing my friends a Happy Thanksgiving! | Arthritis Information


I am thankful for finding this sight and for the wonderful people I've met. I wanted to wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving! I hope it's relaxing, stress free and that you'll be able to spend some quality time with your loved ones!

Thank you all for listening to me when I'm down and need that encouragement and answering all my silly questions!
Enjoy the day to all here on AIHappy Thanksgiving {{{{{AI friends}}}}}!  Special thanks to everyone for all the support I received this year... I am most grateful and humbled.   I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and is surrounded by everyone who loves them. I also hope the meal is a perfect 10 whether it be an excellent moist turkey, well done roast or wonderfully steamed lobsters. 
I am grateful to have you guys and wish you, your famly and friends a superfantastic and extra-comfortable turkey day!
PS - Would you believe I had to explain to DH what a "turducken" is this morning? Whaaaat?! Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Happy Thanksgiving all!  My Thanksgiving celebration is a big one this year, my brother is getting married on Saturday!  So we will have our turkey on Christmas or maybe there will be some at the wedding :-)Best to you all for this Thanksgiving Holiday!!  Hope you enjoy  your time in the "heartland" of your world.... Our plans changed and we won't be going down south afterall.  So I thought , well that's okay, we'll just do Thanksgiving like we always do with my sibs and their fams coming here.  Not to be. Since I wasn't going to be here they all made other plans. So we are having Thanksgiving with the family of my best friend.  It'll be kinda weird having this holiday with someone else's family but I'm happy to have somewhere friendly to go and to share it with people I care about. 
Hope it's a great day for all :)I hope that everyone's Thanksgiving is wonderful.  LindyWhat a nice topic!  I hope everyone here has a wonderful Thanksgiving.  I am thankful for the support you all have given me especially with respect to my daughter's issues as well as RA issues.  Thanks everyone and Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! This es my first one. We es with my usbands sester in America when my usband work ere .I not sleep , the time is defferent for me. My RA es no good. Happy Holiday for all.
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