Isolating/depression and headaches | Arthritis Information


Hi-Been really isolating and lurking for a long time
now, but just getting more and more depressed so
thought I'd try posting. Anyway, I miss talking with
everyone! Do any of you find your self isolating when
depressed or feeling bad?

Ugh, it seems really hard to break out of it. Some
days I think my depression is under control, then
some days I realize I have a long way to go.      
Anyway I've been flaring pretty bad for a few weeks,
feeling a little better now. My last rd appt. was about
10 days ago and he is trying to get my remicade
appt. approved to move up to every 4 weeks instead
of 6.

In the meantime he put me of 40 mg. of pred for 2
weeks, then 30, 20 etc. I think my double chin
increased overnight!!    That's alot of pred, huh?
Can't wait to be completely off it...crossing my fingers
that that day is somewhere out there in the future!

Also dealing with a sinus infection/migraine combo
for a little over a week too. Guess it hasn't been my
month, so I will look forward to March

I know several of you have been dealing with
headaches lately. I used to get very bad migraines
and spent a lot of time sleeping of the bathroom
floor, and went several times to the hospital for
demoral shots before. Thankfully, since living in a
more humid area, they have been much, much
better. That is one thing that I have learned that
really makes a difference-staying hydrated. Drink
lots of water, even if you are not really thirsty at the
time. So many things can dehydrate you...pain
meds, allergy meds, etc. I used to take imitrex and it
was great for the bad ones. Now I do find that
excdrine migraine helps if I take it in time. Also, this
morning I did a 'stove top' towel-over-the-head steam
and that seemed to lesson the pressure some too.   
Hang in there!

All that pred. may be contributing to your mood Tara. Also, this winter weather.  It gets me blue.  Just got back from the mountains and haven't seen the sun for a few days, really raining here. I am feeling a bit depressed.  All that fog where you are ........ 

PM me if you need to talk.  You are always cheering everyone else up my friend.  Sending you big hugz and LOVE

Tara~How long have you been on the Wellbutrin? Perhaps a different medication might be better?

I don't have much experience with anti-depressants; but I have heard that they all work differently for different people.

Hope things look up for you soon.

Hey Tara

I hope you feel better soon

The RA sucks but life isn't all bad. Hang on in there.

Hi-thanks for the feedback. It's good to be connected again.   

I have been taking so many different kinds of meds lately that I wish I could just stop them all, and 'detox', but it would be an almost impossible task.  Mostly with the RA and depression meds.  I do hope to wean off the depression meds some day...I'm just a little afraid because I can go way down sometimes.  And my mom was bi-polar and my sisters take depression meds too.  

High cholestoral and blood pressure run in my family, but seems like I should be able to control things a little better with diet too. 

I think I will start writing down daily how I feel, what levels I'm at with meds, and see if I can see a trend, and make some adjustments. 

I have been taking the wellbutrin for a couple of years now and interestingly, have been out of it for a few days!!!   hmmm...didn't think about that either

It's really important for me to stick to a routine so gotta start focusing on that again.  I have recently found I am an 'all or nothing' person, which is not really a good way to live with pain issues...


We have to just hang in there! And thank god for this message board! This thing has helped me in times of crisis when I felt oh so alone. We are all here for eachother!!!!!

