numbness in legs & feet | Arthritis Information


I've had RA for the last 10 years. For the last 4 months I have had numbness and pain in my legs, feet, arms and hands. I can be moving around and even walking and my feet will go numb. Anyone have similar? Hi Ksk, yes definitely, but I do have lots of spinal issues too, one of them RA related and that is facet joint inflammation, this can cause nerve problems which in turn causes numbness sometimes in the extremities, when I first showed signs of nerve problems, I was sent to a neurologist that specialises in MS!  That was what they wanted to rule out as it is not uncommon with RA and other autoimmune disorders unfortunately.  Thank God I did not have that, there was nothing too obvious causing it at the time so medication was blamed (Arava) so I was taken off of that and bingo that seemed to fix it, which was a shame also because it was working for me.  I am now getting nerve problems again and some is blamed on my facet joints and also I have a degree of peripheral neuropathy, Dr says it is damage from the Arava, and intermittent claudication, something to do with my circulation not being up to scratch, so as you can see there can be many reasons but you definitely need to know why so keep at your Dr and if he/she is good, they will refer you on.  Best of luck, Janie. Are you in flare? 

When I am in flare (bad flare) I gain the sensation of numbness in my extremities......

I too am on Arava and have been almost a year. However went up on the dosage about 4 months ago....hhhmmmm wondering now if that might be it. I have been referred to a neurologist to check any problems there. Is MS related to having RA? I just started taking the Simponi Injections in the last 3 months also.not sure about any relation.. we have one member I recall who has both.  I too was tested with nerve conduction studies,  etc...... all no result.  It was from the RA inflammation.  now that has gone way down..i don't have the numbness anymore.
In this study it says that MS is usually diagnosed first and RA developes later...This was true in my case. There was aprox 8 or 9 years between diagnosis.
Numbness and pins and needles can be perephial nerve damage...I have had numbness with profound weakness ( caused by central nervous damage)...all of it is bothersome and should be looked into. I also had vision problems...was very scary for me.
When I flare with MS..weakness seems to be the bigest problem...Fatigue is a huge problem with both diseases.
Take care and hope you get answers to your symptoms.
above link is not I copy pasted article below:

From Medscape Medical News

Possible link between rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis

Allison Gandey

Authors and Disclosures

May 18, 2006

Besan ¿ on, France - Evidence is mounting suggesting that multiple sclerosis (MS) is a T-cell-mediated autoimmune disease similar to rheumatoid arthritis (RA), with genetic and environmental factors playing a role in their pathogenesis. Reporting in the May 2006 issue of the Journal of Rheumatology, researchers identify an association between the two conditions [ 1 ]. "Since a great proportion of our patients developed MS first and subsequently RA, the best explanation for these cases is a predisposition in MS patients to develop another autoimmune disease with common etiologic cofactors," comment the investigators, led by Dr ¿ ric Toussirot (University Hospital Besan¿on, France).

"In our series, MS did not seem to have an influence on the clinical course of arthritis, and vice versa," they explain. "The concurrence of MS in our patients did not prevent joint damage in most cases and thus?despite the neurologic disease?RA will probably continue to progress."

But given the potential for neurological adverse events with anti-TNF therapy, the researchers caution clinicians about these drugs. "We recommended the careful evaluation of patients with RA before anti-TNF-

Risk of neurological adverse events with anti-TNF therapy

In a separate paper, also published in the Journal of Rheumatology, another group of investigators highlight the potential risk of anti-TNF therapy [ 2 ]. The team, led by Dr Julie Jarand (University of Calgary, AB), describes three patients who developed neurological disease associated with the use of infliximab, a monoclonal antibody that binds to and inactivates TNF-

MS is the most frequent demyelinating disease.

Toussirot and his team point out that MS is the most frequent demyelinating disease and has been associated with various chronic inflammatory diseases. In their retrospective study, the investigators evaluate the association between MS and RA.

Physicians from the Club Rhumatismes et Inflammation, a subgroup of the French society of rheumatology, were asked to report cases of MS and RA occurring in the same patient. A rheumatologist was required for the diagnosis of RA and a neurologist for the diagnosis of MS.

They identified 14 patients, which included 12 men and two women. RA was diagnosed before MS in three cases while MS preceded RA in 10 cases. The diseases were identified simultaneously in one case.

It is reasonable to consider that patients with MS are prone to develop other autoimmune diseases.

The researchers excluded patients on previous anti-TNF therapy. They analyzed age at RA and MS onset, extra-articular disease, joint-space narrowing, and erosions on hand or foot radiographs, rheumatoid factors, antinuclear antibodies, treatments for RA, disease course of MS, neurologic symptoms, brain and spinal-cord magnetic resonance imaging findings, cerebrospinal-fluid analysis, visual evoked potential results, and MS treatments, as well as patient outcome.

Toussirot and colleagues observed radiographic erosions in 11 cases and joint-space narrowing in nine cases. Rheumatoid factor was positive in six cases and antinuclear antibodies were found in only four cases. The treatments they received were mainly methotrexate, and other disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs were rarely used. Most patients received corticosteroids for their arthritis. Treatments for MS were mainly intravenous methylprednisolone, immunosuppressive drugs, and interferon-

The investigators found that MS usually occurred between 20 and 40 years of age, while the onset of RA was generally between the fourth and sixth decade. They conclude, "Autoimmunity in MS is well demonstrated, and it is reasonable to consider that patients with MS are prone to develop other autoimmune diseases."


  1. Toussirot E, Pertuiset E, Martin A, et al. Association of rheumatoid arthritis with multiple sclerosis: Report of 14 cases and discussion of its significance. J Rheumatol 2006; 33:1027-1028.
  2. Jarand J, Zochodne DW, Martin LO, et al. Neurological complications of infliximab
#1inflamedOnline2009-11-28 17:24:07Please check out this link. Recent studies have shown that Arava/leflunomide significantly raisesthe risk of peripheral neuropathy. This is what happened to me, and it has never gone away. Yes, I get numbness.  But, I have quite a bit of inflammation through the neck and damage seen on an MRI.  So...I would definitely get it checked out.  Meds can cause multiple issues, but the RA can as well.  It's like the gift that keeps on giving...  Um, I wouldn't mind returning it.Let us know how your test come out at the neurologist. I get numbness and neurological issues. I have several buldged disk so that may be part of it. I sometimes get flares that I always called my strokes. Fibro maybe not sure. Just I get all numb on one side and it lets me know a flare is coming on. Sometimes just the swelling I think can cause neurological problems.
I have a cousin with MS so I worry about it alot. I have had so many strange things over the years including foot drop. I think everyone should see a neurologist if they have RA. I hope all turns out alright. Also a neurologist can help with pain management.
[QUOTE=milly]Let us know how your test come out at the neurologist. I get numbness and neurological issues. I have several buldged disk so that may be part of it. I sometimes get flares that I always called my strokes. Fibro maybe not sure. Just I get all numb on one side and it lets me know a flare is coming on. Sometimes just the swelling I think can cause neurological problems.
I have a cousin with MS so I worry about it alot. I have had so many strange things over the years including foot drop. I think everyone should see a neurologist if they have RA. I hope all turns out alright. Also a neurologist can help with pain management.
Milly, did you ever find out the cause of your foot drop?

I have simular problems. I RD sent me to a neruologist due to the fact that Humira has been known to cause symptoms simular to MS; so they wanted to rule that out. They dx'ed peripheral neuropathy and I tke Lyrica to control it. I have a good bit of arthritis though my spine that I suspect causes some of my problems as well.

[QUOTE=babs10]not sure about any relation.. we have one member I recall who has both.  I too was tested with nerve conduction studies,  etc...... all no result.  It was from the RA inflammation.  now that has gone way down..i don't have the numbness anymore. [/QUOTE]
That's not exactly true... I do still have minimal numbness...
What the neuro said I have is Mononeuropathy.  If I become inflammed.. it once again flares right along with the RA:
Mononeuropathy is usually the result of damage to a single nerve or nerve group by trauma, injury, local compression, prolonged pressure, or inflammation. Single and multiple mononeuropathies are characterized by pain, weakness, and paresthesias in the distribution of the affected nerve. Multiple mononeuropathy is asymmetric; the nerves may be involved
all at once or progressively.
babs102009-11-30 09:49:11I went to the neurologist who isn't sure what is going on. He never said/nor I anything about suspecting MS. He is sending me for MRI on Monday of my head and neck, and also a MRI including the blood vessels (another name, but I don't remember what it is called). There is definatly weakness on the left side of my body according to him. Went to my RD today for my 3 month check up since I am new on Simponi. It's not working and my liver count is up now. She is taking me off of it and is putting me on Cimzia to see if that will help me. Has anyone had any success with Cimzia or tell me anything I might need to know before I take it?[QUOTE=kskrause21]I went to the neurologist who isn't sure what is going on. He never said/nor I anything about suspecting MS. He is sending me for MRI on Monday of my head and neck, and also a MRI including the blood vessels (another name, but I don't remember what it is called). There is definatly weakness on the left side of my body according to him. Went to my RD today for my 3 month check up since I am new on Simponi. It's not working and my liver count is up now. She is taking me off of it and is putting me on Cimzia to see if that will help me. Has anyone had any success with Cimzia or tell me anything I might need to know before I take it?[/QUOTE]
Does the name sound like a MR Angiography ? evaluates the arteries and vessels...detects strokes or problems in arteries I believe. The Mri of the head and c-spine is it with and without contrast?...some MS lesions will only show with contrast. (if Iremeber correctly I think it is active lesions that will show up with contrast). It has been avery long time since I did MRI's they were done while being DX and I had one more a year after I started Betaseron Therapy. Sounds like your neurologist is being thorough. I wish you the best of luck. It is a intimidating process. Did he mention a spinal Tap?
Try not to be afraid to ask the doctor straight out what he is thinking and what he is looking for or looking to rule out. Especially if you are already thinking and concerned about specific disease. He can explain things to you and his answers might put you ate ease. I truly hope you find out the cause of your symptoms soon. Take care and post an update. I am interested on what your out come is.

Best Wishes,

#1inflamedOnline2009-12-09 19:34:16

Had the MRI today and they found no problems. Doc said I am possibly have pre-peripheral neuropathy. I will see him again in 6 months if situation is still the same. They believe it is all related to the inflammation from RA pressing on the nerves.  They did see that I have a bulging disc in the same area as before, so I'm going to get cordisone injection on Friday to try to help with the pain.

Went to the Pain Specialist who gave injections in my back which helped IMMEDIATLY! Although I still have pain in my feet and hands and burning on/off in leg. The Pain doc was surprised they didn't do an xray on my neck. Again, I don't remember what it is called, but he sent me for xray to have something checked for when I move my head forward and backwards...he said there is a nerve/joint in there that if it is off (caused by RA) it will cause most of the symptoms I am having. I should know something by Monday. I will keep you up to date.ok...still no diagnosis for my burning of feet and bottom of legs. I am on fire...they don't know what it is...anyone else know what it could be? I'm keeping cool clothes on my feet it helps.They shoud at very least try to treat the symptoms...maybe some neurotin for the burning.
I get what I call "sunburn Pain" is MS basicall feels like a raging sun burn on the inside of my left thigh and hip area...I can not stand loose rubbing clothes on the area when it is set it off even worse. Sorry you are having troubles. Hope it all works out well for you. It can be a long journey at times.
Merry Christmas, hope you have peace and feel better soon.
