Fatigue | Arthritis Information


I posted this on another board as well

Just the last three days I have been hit with this fatigue thingy pretty hard.

Today I went and posted some mail and dropped the scripts into the chemist (Feeling good)

I then took the dog for a walk of about 45 mins. Dog does the running while I just cruise along. (Feeling good)

A change is on the way, better mow the lawns. I get the back lawn done and start on the front.
Half way thru the front I drop like a fly and have to use the lawn mower as one would a walker.
When I get this, I also get the tremors in the legs and they also feel like jelly.
I am forced to stop. This took me two hours to get over including a lie down.

Does anybody else get this bad with the fatigue. ??

If I had stopped at the back lawn and then rested for 30 mins before tackling the front I would have got thru reasonably well.

HI Stephen, yes I do, and the first thing I do is get my iron checked as it gets that bad when my anaemia is playing up, so please get that checked, my GP also checks iron stores as well as figures can be masked.  I actually had it yesterday and most of today so far, I got up at 8am full of good intentions but could not even think straight, so I hobbled back to bed and its taking all my energy to type let alone anything else, so look after yourself mate and get a check up on your iron.  Unfortunately it could just be the good ol RA fatigue worsening, the heat is killing me, how about you?  Cheers Janie. Maybe need a cardio work up?are you eating well?  blood sugar levels dropping off can make me feel that way on rare occasions?

Stephen: I think fatigue is the very worst part of the disease. You are indeed fortunate that you were able to walk 45 minutes , go to the chemist and mow part of the lawn. Far more than I'm able to do on any given day. But, if it is unusual for you, do put it on your list for the next visit to your doctor.Hi Bodak,

Yes, I completely understand what you are saying. Even after almost 2 years with RA, I still am learning about this disease. I can look back now at experiences and realize it was fatigue hitting me hard at times when I had no clue at the time what it was. I do notice as you did, if you push yourself too much "trying to get it all done" instead of pacing yourself and taking breaks even though it kills ya to do it, you just have to make yourself do it or you'll regret it. Seems sometimes for me it takes more than a day before I start to feel any releif after pushing myself too hard.  I hope your fatigue lets up a little and there's some good advice about getting iron levels checked etc. Might take a lot to get in to see the dr., but better to get that checked just in case.
Yep, mack truck fatigue. And as you know, "fatigue" doesn't even begin to describe it! I'm still looking for the RA Champion Power Bar. I'm thinking crack might be our only hope.  
Definitely check with the doc about those jelly legs. I experience weakness in my legs, but it's mainly when I'm attempting to carry my son. "Hurts" in a weak sort of way that makes me have to put him down immediately and sit. (I hate that!!)  Maybe crack would help with muscle fatigue, too. hehe
I'm extremely impressed with everything you accomplished though. Bravo!!  "Hitting the wall" - I empathize.   A couple days ago I ran a few errands in another town which involved traipsing all over a mall. Since I never go out in that direction, I figured I'd be good if I rested in the car for 10 minutes, then on to the next place. I was. But then I figured I'd do just one more thing while in that town. Arrived at the place and got out of the car and practically crumbled. No way, no how. Back into car and home and spent the next day and a half sitting around.
My problem is that my brain is saying, "Go, go, go," and my body is saying, "Couch, couch, couch."
Have your Vitamin D checked.
Hi Stephen,
Just thought I would let you know there are a lot of bugs out there at the minute creating joint pain, so just take it easy!
ps : perhaps you are low in magnesium ?? 
I could be a bit short on a lot of things. 

Babs: I am eating as well as I have been all along.

I've just discovered that perhaps I have dropped my MTX down from 25mg to 20.
I fill out a fortnights worth of pills and checked the second week and I have only popped in 20 mg.
Surely 5 mg drop would not cause this all of a sudden.

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