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This is an image of my late mother during her last few months.
To me she looks very peaceful and content while enjoying her canine friend.
Sorry for your loss StephenStephen, this is priceless!  Reminds me of my Mom, who of course along with your Mum, was the best in the world.
I just viewed your website again and it makes me very proud to know you Stephen. 
Aw Stephen.  I know how you feel.  I lost my mom just a bit over a year ago. Whenever I look at her pictures I always have a mix of happy/sad.  I miss her so much, but I still gotta smile when I see her.  This is probably weird and I probably shouldn't post it on the internet, but sometimes I plaster her picture with kisses.

Stephen, I'm sorry for your loss. The dog - do you have it now? Animals grieve for their humans.

I should correct a misunderstanding here, this image was taken in 2002.
My mother passed on the 11/11 of that year so it has been awhile.

Still,                it seems like yesterday.
I agree with Leila...she looks very content and peaceful.  Beautiful photo, Bodak.Stephen time is a healer but it also stands still when you do something so beautiful like this, so it will feel like yesterday. My father passed away 10 years ago but it doesnt feel like that long ago.
The photograph is a wonderful tribute to your mum
What a beautiful woman she was, Stephen. Thank-you for sharing. Judging by the dog, I just know she was a good woman.

I LOVE what you did to the photo to make it look like a painting. Nice work. Your mother has a strong classical apperance...beautiful.