Dr. Google: Knowledge Versus Expertise | Arthritis Information


A recent article by NPR confirmed what many patients and doctors already know. The internet is leveling the playing field and allows individuals to access information easier and more quickly. Research by Pew Internet and American Life Project found:

Yet as individuals embrace new technology, the New England Journal of Medicine found earlier this year that only 17 percent of doctors use electronic medical records. To say doctors are conservative and slow in adapting to new ways of communicating and accessing information would be an understatement. An article in TIME magazine proclaimed “Email Your Doctor” which graced newsstands in 1998! Email communications with doctors is still the exception rather than the rule.

Many doctors actually are very concerned about patients using the internet to research information. Stories of physicians being inundated with printouts or patients insistent that they have a certain diagnosis based on a description abound. Doctors don’t always appreciate patients googling their medical information.


Because although information gathering is far easier than a decade ago, the problem is data overload. How does one filter out all of the different diagnoses with similar symptoms? How does one use judgment when theirs is based on little experience? Medical students commonly coming down with medical illnesses after studying a subject. The power of suggestion. Fever and a little neck stiffness? Meningitis. Intermittent numbness in the arm? Multiple sclerosis. Circular rash? Lyme disease.

Only through experience and actually caring for patients diagnosed by more seasoned colleagues do medical students see the textbook descriptions come. Patients diagnosed with meningitis, multiple sclerosis, and Lyme disease and their symptoms and signs are seared into their memories. Words in the textbook now have far different meanings. Reading and book learning while important only provides the foundation to build upon. It’s seeing and doing that matter.

Doctors can’t know everything. It can be helpful if you research information and bring in some ideas or questions you have about a particular diagnosis. I know patients are more empowered with more information, but realize there is still value in clinical expertise. Have a frank discussion with your doctor whether the information obtained by Dr. Google is accurate or relevant to your concerns. Keep an open mind. Don’t be anchored by what you read. I certainly learn from my patients. My patients learn from me. It’s a win-win.

While the internet can make anyone more knowledgeable, it doesn’t make someone an expert. The good news is that the survey found in the end that the source people still trust the most is their doctor. So go ahead research, but find reputable sources like the Mayo Clinic or Medline Plus. Talk to your doctor and perhaps email him. Gain from both knowledge tempered with expertise.

*This blog post was originally published at Saving Money and Surviving the Healthcare Crisis*



When I first DX with MS, I poured over the internet...I spent hours and hours...I was so scared, I started reading everything as the gospel. Over looking the fact that what I might of been reading could just be a "trial" and the information was still in the research state.
I analyzed every symptom, agonized at the prospect of being a crippled. I totally ignored the fact that MOST of the MS population is mobile and active. Because of the fear I had and the overload of information I paralyzed my self...not physically but emotionally, Yes I had a bad bout of MS at onset, but that is usually how someone gets DX, the disease is active and you have symptoms. BUT like RA, you can achieve a relative remission, a delicate balance of medicines, exercise, rest, nutrition, and peace of mind.
I agree , first hand that a person could easily enough Overload on the GOOGLE highway, I know I did. I know that not everyone is the same and some will not dissect and focus on the scary stuff...I am just saying I was at a bad place then and very vulnerable. looking back, at that time , for me looking back, it would of been best with a Printed MS society Litature handout,my well qaulified Nerologist, and loving family.
I have a friend who should be barred from the internet because she doesn't understand what she reads, doesn't understand the implication and potential for misdiagnosis, and now runs to the ER for a paper cut.
I on the other hand am able to sift through the info, understand most of it, select only bonafide medical websites, and be objective about it all.
Two ends of the spectrum.
I was employed by a Doctor for 15 years and I recall that when they started putting prescription side effects in with the RX that the Doctor was somewhat upset, because some people would actually think that they had 2-3 of the side effects.  It was horrible because it almost doubled phone calls for a long time.  Imagination is a powerful tool.
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