Happy Birthday Lev | Arthritis Information


I hope you have a great birthday!


You OLD dawg!
Have a wonderful day Lev!!!!!Happy Birthday, Lev!  Enjoy your day!Happy Birthday Lev and many, many, more.

Huggin ya!  


Hope you have a great birthday!!!

Hey Lev, happy birthday.  Hope it's the best one yet :) Linncn2009-12-05 14:16:59HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEV!Happy Birthday Lev. I hope you had a great day!I hope your birthday is great.  LindyI'm sorry, Lev. The picture was supposed to be of a birthday cupcake and isn't there anymore. It's the thought that counts, right? ;)    Hope you had a superfantastic and extra-comfortable birthday! Happy Birthday LevHappy Birthday Levvers!!!!!!Party on dude! I am sorry I missed your day, but maybe this stretches it out a bit.  I hereby grant permission for you to continue to celebrate your birthday today!!!

Happy Birthday!

The Lev meister! happy Birthday !!!!!!!!!I missed your day!!
Hope it was really great!
You know that the 5th of december is the birthday of Lev_Larry. It is a name that some one made up and made a few posts under that alias. Nothing of any consequense or intelligence. None the less, I am going to bookmark this thread and on my birthday I will re-read it. So thank you all in advance for the good wishes. Keep in mind that you all will have some time to delete your good wishes prior to my birthday if you so wish. Anyway, here's a birthday song for me that you are welcome to enjoy. Grab a Heineken, turn it up and git up and dance................The real LevLarry
levlarry2010-01-20 09:28:07


I started a Happy Birthday thread...then I realized that it wasn't your current user name. So I deleted, then Lyn started this thread so I thought what the heck...maybe I missed something...my happy Birthday still stands..whenever it is!
no heinekin here but I will bust a move with ya...lol...cheers

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