Anyone Here Have Type 1.5 Diabetes | Arthritis Information


Does anyone on this board have Diabetes in addition to hypo/hyperthyroid and autoimmune arthritis?

Have you had the thyroid and diabetes antibody tests run?  What was your experience?
I have autoimmune arthritis, autoimmune Hashimoto's and supposedly Type 2 Diabetes.  My thyroid has flip-flopped from Hashimoto's to possibly Graves [being checked out]. In the process of researching this about-face, I discovered some information about autoimmune diabetes, or Type 1.5 diabetes. 
Just checking to see if anyone else has been down this road before.
Hi Sam,
I don't always get a chance to respond to posts, but, I saw yours and it seems we are twins (LOL).  I have Type 1.5 adult onset of Type 1.  My endo does not like to use the Type 1.5.  I take fast acting insulin with my meals and do not need a long acting just yet.  Please do not hesitate to ask me any quetions...I'll try and help.  Hiking_gal

Hi, Hiking_gal,

I've been researching and found quite a bit of information, including a number of posters on a diabetes forum
In addition, I just spoke with my cousin who has LAD/1.5. He's pretty well controlled now, though his diabetes came on very suddenly at age 45 - his fasting glucose was over 500. Metformin didn't work but he's enjoying success with once a day Lantus. 
I was on Metformin for about two years - was in the IFG zone when I started and when I opted to go off the pills. I saw no improvement in my numbers and experienced quite a bit of myalgia, so I figured I'd see the effect of discontinuing them. As my endo-doc told me, my numbers would rise about a month or so later. They did....but ever so slightly. 
 I have yet to be diagnosed as LAD/1.5 but I see the endocrinologist on Thursday and will be requesting  the genetic tests and the C-Peptide, since it's been a while since I had that one done. Did you have the genetic tests done?  [Probably not worth it since the HLA antigens run close to those in the arthritic spectrum, from what I can see.]
I thought I was in flare mode - thinking the RD would tack on Ankylosing Spondylitis to my list of diagnostic codes. I see him in 10 days. But today I got my labs back and my Vitamin D is pretty low.....20.8  [31-100 = normal].  So I started researching THAT and came across osteomalacia, which my symptoms fit to a T.
Somewhere I think there's a connection between Type 1.5 and Vitamin D.  Did you have your Vitamin D run before you began taking insulin?
I plan to get to the bottom of this! 
Thanks for your help - I really appreciate it!
Hi Sam,
Yes.  I did have my Vitamin D run before I started my insulin.  I also had the C-peptide run as well.  The jury is still out on the 1.5/LADA with several endos.  Mine happens to be one of them.  Is your cousin only on Lantus?  It is such a difficult auto-immune disease to get a handle on, as certain things work for certain people.  I do not have any trouble with my fasting blood glucose; but if I eat my glucose will spike into the 400s 2 hours after a meal, thus, the reason for my taking the fast acting insulin only. 
Good luck with trying to research it all out.  I have been taking insulin for 5 years now and I was a bit obsesive with the testing and all that.  I have since settled into my particular treatment plan and it is going really well.  Well good luck to you and keep us posted.  Hiking_gal


He didn't mention taking anything other than Lantus in his last email to me, but I have a vague recollection from an email a few months back that he takes a drug in addition to the insulin.
Thanks so much for responding.
Hiking_gal is absolutely right that autoimmune diabetes is a difficult beast to tame and that everyone reacts to different meds differently....kind of like with RA :)  Seriously, though, I have true type I and have had to have insulin either via pump or both long and short acting insulin since day 1 when I was diagnosed (age 10).  I've not heard of type 1.5, but I have heard of people who are either insulin resistant or undiagnosed (or diagnosed) type 2s who burn out their pancreases and slowly need more and more insulin, eventually becoming completely insulin dependent.  I think a lot of it depends on which doctor you talk to.

Anyway, I wish you the best of luck - any type of diabetes is no fun.
I saw the endocriniologist today and I am on information overload. [I'd rather have it that way!]  We're running the antibodies tests  and a few other tests. One of my problems is quite likely a new twist to my PsA - Ankylosing Spondylitis. But she's waiting until I see my RD next week to see what he thinks.
Meanwhile, back on Metformin for the time being, pending test results.
SnowlOwl:  the data shows that about 15-20% of all Type II's may very well be Type 1.5. And if you already have an autoimmune disease, then all the more chance you have Type 1.5 if you have diabetes.
The more I research the more I realize that medicine has a long way to go yet.
