So Strange | Arthritis Information


I am actually swallowing my Nystatin and not having an allergic reaction to it. It is different. They had some cinnamin flavored stuff that really bothered me. I am not allergic to cinnamin it was just the brand or something. This stuff does not seem to have a flavor.

Then there is someething else that is not bothering me that used to. So maybe I am broken? In a good way of course. Well wishful thinking. I am sure i am still allergic to everything else.
I am going to ask the drug store what brand this is so I can request it in the future. This is like a christmas miricle. It does give me heart burn but it is still a miricle. Because i can not breath for a week if I take diflucan so I really need something I can take.
Yippy!! I have been swallowing it for two days. No runny nose and itchy eyes or skin rash. I usually swish and spit. Sometimes of course I have to break down and swallow it and it gives me an allergic reaction and I am misserable and then i have to take antibiotics because the allergic reaction usually gives me an infection and it defeats the purpose of having taken it. I want to go buy a truck load of this stuff. LOL That would be about a years supply for me.
Maybe I have just built up a tollerance to it by swishing it around in my mouth for years. Just one of lifes mysteries.
many people with multiple medication allergies are often allergic to the fillers not the active ingrediants...if you find you are allergic to one brand of nystatin and not another then you ought to look into the diferences in the fillers.  You might find that filler is a common ingrediant in many of the other meds you tried to take.  yes but it is helpful to find a brand I am not allergic to. I have asked and pretty much been ignored in the past. They somewhat leave it up to you to find out what brands you are allergic to. I would have to go back and try 100 things and have 100 alergy attacks to get the answers.
I believe you. I am allergic to cream of tartar. I can not drink sweet and low, I can have the sacarine pills.
It does not work that way for me with nutra sweet. I am allergic to it with or with out the cream of tartar.
I tend to go both ways. Allergic to fillers and sometimes it is the meds. Like sulfur i can not have anything with even a trace of sulfur in it. No dieretics or antiinflamatories as well as antibiotics.
sit down with a pharmacist....choose one at an independent drug store cause they tend to be better at customer service...they  are way more familiar with the composition of drugs than your MD's are.  I guess this newer pharmacist is more helpful. he came around the counter and helped me out with the eye products ect. I will ask him tomorrow.
I have asked several in the past. Actually it was a pharmasist in Florida that told me he had a patrone that was allergic to meds from three different companies. He suggested that I check in to this. That was all the help he was. Did not tell me what the other guy was allergic to or anything helpful.
So i will ask the new young guy. he has been handleing my meds for the past three months. He is very customer service orientated. Young and pationate about his job. I will give it a try.
I will also find out what brand this Nystatin is.
So frustrating to have allergic reactions that you can't really pinpoint Milly, I know how you feel.  In my case and after seeing Allergist and Dermatologist, it all came down to me keeping a log of every single thing that I put into my body, or to which I came into direct contact. 

We are, and have been, exposed to so many chemicals in our life time.  I remember how fresh bread would mold in 5 days time, milk would sour in a week, and fruit and veggies only lasted a few days.  Ever just keep a loaf of bread and see how long it last in the bag?  DH and I bought a slightly under-ripe tomato from the grocer and sat it in the window to ripen... 6 months later the outside of the tomato was still firm and pale, but the inside was rotten.

Preservatives are in and on everything, including our meds, and the chemicals (which we can't even pronounce) are going into our bodies.  Who knows what they react with in our bodies????
Our doctors are at a loss if our allergies aren't something obvious. 

I hope you can find some answers and some relief, Milly.  Do you carry an Epipen?  You may want to ask your doctor for one, just in case you have that really bad reaction you can't deal with using benedryl or can't get to the hospital quick enough.

Take care Milly.

waddie2009-12-06 12:03:21LOL I used to sit outside the hospital when trying a new med. A doctor once said if I took an antihystamine and zantac and then a lung antihystamine I would be fine. Turned out I was allergic to the lung antihystamine. Of course they would not admit to that and took me off of my antibiotic. Turned out the antibiotic was the one thing I was not allergic to.
I am two blocks from the eroom so I think I would probably make it there. I have prednisone on hand. An inhaler and benadryl. I have had to get epi shots in the past.
It probably would not hurt to have an epipen. For now if I try something new I will just go sit in the waiting room and read at the hospital.
The Nystatin is a rare condition. Most people can tollerate it. They do not concider it to be life threatening because it does not go into the bloodstream. I sort of have a different opinion about that. I saw a kid that only touched peanut butter in schoool making a bird feeder by rolling pinecones in peanut butter. The poor kid, his face swelled up like a balloon.
