The Real Meaning of Diet | Arthritis Information


This this might be helpful information ...

The Real Meaning of Diet

Enjoy ....

By presidential proclamation, we're living in the National Bone and Joint Decade, 2002-2011, and that means we should be seeing a surge in research into causes and treatments of arthritis and other diseases.

Meanwhile, many people with osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) seek relief by buying the latest book or nutritional supplement claiming to relieve or cure arthritis, or they take advice from a neighbor who swore that eating gin-soaked raisins eased her symptoms.

How do you navigate this gray area of unregulated therapies to know if what you're doing can help or harm? WebMD talked with two experts who provided insight into the claims made for arthritis diets and supplements. Hayes Wilson, MD, is a rheumatologist in Atlanta and medical adviser for the Arthritis Foundation. Christine Gerbstadt, RD, MD, practices in Pittsburgh and is a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association.

Here's a guide to help you sort fact from fiction:
In fact , this blogging is not talking about their info in the book.

Aticha2009-12-07 20:28:58Aticha, why don't you just tell us what the 7 steps are that's referenced in the ebook?  I'm not downloading an unknown ebook to my computer nor is anyone else on the forum.  Just be kind enough to give us an explanation.  Believe me when I tell you that I'll follow the Arthritis Foundation's and Mayo Clinic's guidelines a lot quicker than an Ebook's that's titled "Whispering the Truth".  LindyIf I had seven steps to cure arhtritis...I'd write a book and call it ..
"shouting the Truth"
But that is just me...sorta out spoken by nature...I like to call it my "leadership qaulities"
For senior members of this forum I find your comments totally unfounded.

I am new to this forum and have just downloaded "Whispering The Truth From Rheumatoid Arthritis Survivors" ebook. It is an interesting read with valuable information....although it is a pity to see senior members with such an authoritarian view of science to voice misguided opinions.

As for #1inflamedOnline, looks as though you will be staying that way for a while to come yet!

Well thanks for the ebook Aticha and now I'm off to some other forums with less senior bullying.
Awe...don't mind me....
Trust me I have no "senior " authority here....
I am sorry, you are right..... Continue on...peddle your book...and I hope you do help someone.

Paul/Aticha, there's not much I haven't heard or seen peddled for disease help or cure.  I choose not to download an ebook based on possible viruses and other computer harmful downloads.  Even though I'm loaded with security, it's just not an option.  Also, the book is a waste of my time.  If it can't be outlined or the 7 steps noted without downloading an ebook then it's not worth my time or effort.  It's a ploy, a game, and if the information was so earth shattering then it would be easily available and my RD would be treating me according to the 7 steps.  It wouldn't be cloaked in the mysterious title of "Whispering." 

You empathy is monumental and I'm sure that Inflamed appreciates it.  Why don't you share what the 7 steps are, why the secrecy, the mystery, and the sarcasm?   
