So Frustrated | Arthritis Information


Ran my errands and I am exhausted.  Another storm is coming in - lots of thunder and lightning which I love but will have to enjoy laying down.  I am getting a yeast infection which I have not gotten in years and years.  Is that from meds?  Go into hospital tomorrow night for sleep test - It sure is taking a looooooooong time for me to get my life back

Does anyone remember what Karen NTX used to take for fatigue?  I would give anything just to have a little more energy.  I have mixed feelings about returning to work.  Maybe having to be there will motivate me or I might not be able to do it which will break my heart. 

I wish I could just have a few days that I don't even think about RA.  Don't you????  Thanks for letting me vent, I don't like to talk about it anymore to my family - there are no answers but sometimes instead of screaming or crying I come on here and dump

Hang on in there

     Roxy, What did dr give you for headaches? I take fioricet for stress headaches neck tightness. Hope you feel better soon.

Hang in there Roxy,  Things do get better...they just seem to get better... slower, these days.

Hope you feel better soon. 


Headaches gone.  Whew.  That REALLY SUCKED.  GP put this med on my tongue and I had to let it melt there.  He said if the headache is gone in an hour or so, it is a migraine.  Well it is gone.  He said looking in my ears, nose that it looks like I am at the tail end of a sinus infection which could have caused the migraines.  Pat, I will let you know the name of the med tomorrow when I pick it up at drug store.  The good news is you can take it twice a day.  The Excedrin for migraine worked but not by evening.  I asked my doctor if he felt that Enbrel was not right for me and he said he thought that my body was so stressed by the time I got on Enbrel that I was vulnerable.  I just have gotten everything I have been exposed to and more

Don't you guys just get sick of being sick????? I totally am sick of being sick!!      Sorry to hear
about your sinus infection, but glad you found out
and got some meds for it. Its amazing to me just
how bad sinus infections can make you feel!! Mine
has lasted (this time) almost a month and is the
worst ever. I got a different kind of antibiotic today so
keeping my fingers crossed.

So Roxy-hope you don't mind, but your speaking my
mind tonight about being frustrated and sick, so I'm
going to share your venting time. (I think it does help
to get it out than for me to keep it 'in' and just spiral
down hear goes
I know my work is really sick of me being sick, not
being up to par, etc. Its so hard each day to get up
and get to work, then I get there and see all the great
professional looking people who probably got up 2
hours early just to get ready and who have nice nifty
clothes that they aren't asshamed t be seen in when
working with vendors! Perception in the workplace
makes so much difference and I do good just to get
there and to wear different clothes and sometimes
put makeup on! And speaking of
circles under my eyes are deep dark purple.      
It's so embarassing.

Yesterday I left early to go to the doctor for my sinus
infection-he told me the current antibiotic was
helping to make my stomach really sick. My
manager's think I'm nuts. Then I got a call today that
my remicade appt. had finally been approved for
friday at 11:00. Told one of my managers that I
would have to leave early...wasn't to happy. Going to
try to reschedule to sometime next week.    

Its really hard to start to get some strength back and
feel good for a few hours, then just to have it all go
down hill again in a matter of a few hours..I'm really
begining to wonder if I can keep doing this myself. I
think I need help. I wish I could live in or start some
type of an assisted housing community for other
RA'ers so we can support each other when needed,
but still have our own seperate lives. What do you
think? Maybe I should call my sister and her
husband in Santa Fe to see ifI could have them take
care of me.

Ah well, just thinking out loud. I need to find a way to
get some help with some of my daily life activities.
Any thoughts?

OK, done venting on your post Roxy Thank you for

I do hope you feel better and It sounds like the
person helping you out today was really nice-You
should bo back and ask her out to coffee. I think that
would be great!

Tara,  I hope that felt better.  It helps me.  It has to be VERY hard at work.  I know EXACTLY how you feel.  My job can be very cutthroat because it is a job that so many people want and would be glad to see my go just for there chance at it. 

Today I am better.  What a roller coaster ride.  The last three weeks SUCKED, except for three days !  I feel that shame you were talking about at work at home.  I want to be by Brett's side hleping him around the house.  It is a mess, moving his stuff in.  I haven't cooked or done dishes in two weeks.  My self esteem has plummetted.  Now maybe with this migraine med that doc prescribed and my sinuses are draining I will be back on track.  I got depressed yesterday when my gp said I have already had too many xrays this year.  That depressed me. 

So here's to you and me and anyone else in our shoes to cheer up, not feel ashamed, and know there will be better days.  I think mine are going to start today.  I hope yours do too. 

I love your idea about an RA home.  It really does seem like a good idea.  Have you looked into a support group where you are.   Maybe you could get a roommate that has RA - it makes such a difference to have someone who understands.

Love ya Tara 


Had to re-schedule sleep study due to headaches.  Now I go in next week.  It is a beautiful day outside, no headache, maybe today I will finally start to appreciate life again. 


pammy41638781.2721990741   Roxy, I'm glad that you're feeling better as a sinus infection can really make you feel horrible. I kept getting them and finally had to have some tests done to see why. Mine were cause from allergies. It had gotten so bad that I had to remove the wall to wall carpeting as I had a mold problem. The best part of taking up the carpet was finding these hardwood floors under the carpet. The worst part was wearing a mask and gloves when removing the carpet that was 20+ years old.
Washing dishes is very hard for me and I've been using foam plates and plastic cups. As for cooking, if I can buy it all set to go, as those pieces of meat that are oven ready, veggies that you can microwave in the bag, etc., then I can make a quick meal without all the fuss.
   Keeping my house neat and tidy is very hard for me as I can't move the way I want to. Couldn't stand the mess and was tired of harping on my roomie to help with the chores. So I got a cleaning lady to come in twice a month. It means that I have to give up something else to afford her but it was worth it. Plus roomie just didn't clean the way I wanted. He doesn't belive in moving the things that are on top of the tables just dusts around them!
I want to go back to work! However, I feel that I won't be able to keep up with my co- workers. Have to move fast and I just can't.
   The home or community of other RA people living together sounds like heaven. When some are having bad days the others can pitch in and help. It's given me a idea and I have to do some research in to it.
   Finally, I'm so happy that I have found this board and that I've made friends with you. I now have a place to go where there's a feeling of hope and understanding.


We are so glad to have you Marisa. 

Pat,  I have been taking Maxalt for my migraines.  It is effective.  I am much better but storm after storm here has kept me down.  I am getting sadder and sadder the closer the date I go back to work comes.  I so want to keep my job. 

I will check in later. 

There is an organization that helps people in various ways such as  cleaning, grocery shopping, changing light bulbs, what ever. Not really a home health deal but more like a  home care assistance type of thing.  Something like that could be a very good business to help people out who are unable to get out due to illness, age, or temporary things like for somone who just had a baby.  Gosh if I could get someone to come 2 X per week for like 4 hrs and run laundry, sweep and mop or vacume, and cook dinner--That would be a lifesaver! I would start my own business doing that stuff if I didnt need it so much myself!!!

    Roxy, I'm glad maxalt helps. I just saw on the news tonite they are coimg out with a new type of migraine medication. Can't remember all the details though. I haven't had a migraine in a yr or more. Thank God. They are killers.