New Here | Arthritis Information


Hi Everyone.  I am new here and I was told to post in this section of the Board.  I am nearly 27 years old and I have been suffering for the last few years.  I became pregnant and felt better for a while.  But about a month and a half after I had the baby, I couldn't tolerate what I was going through any longer.  I had no grip strength, couldn't move my fingers and just getting out of bed in the mornings was killing me.  I didn't know what was wrong.  I finally went to the doctor, lo and behold I was told I had RA.  The baby is 15 months old now and I am afraid of the future.  I have an understanding hubby, who is continuously helping me, but I can't help but feel like a burden.  What do other do for relief?  Can I ever expect the pain to go away? 

What sort of medication did they start you on Mandamj?

I was dx'ed about 12 years ago after the birth of my daughter. It's so hard when you have small children.

RA is a progressive disease, but on the proper medication you can live a fairly normal life. It's wonderful that your husband is being so supportive. Don't give up. The beginning is always the worst.

I am currently taking sulfasalazine and Celebrex, my rheumy wants me to start the remicade infusions but I am a bit hesitant.  So far what I have read is some people have good results others not so good.  There is just so much.  Do you ever get over being so tired?  It is not that I am sleepy, I just feel wiped out the majority of the time.  I work full time, in a way I think it helps that I get out of the house and do things, but sometimes I wonder if it is a lot of my exhaustion.  Also, do people with RA have a tendency to develop eye problems?  I have been having trouble with my eyes hurting and being dry, especially when I am just waking up, and then they will be sore for days, then okay for weeks and then the cycle begins again.


      Mandamj, Welcome..Tiredness is a real big problem with RA and also dry eye and mouth. I use biotene mouthwash, toothpaste and moisture gel. You should make an extra effort to floss and brush at least 2 times a day as you can have alot of dental problems if you have dry mouth. I use wetting drops for eyes. There are RX'S for dry eye too. Yes dry eye does come and go like RA. Pregnacy seems to make RA better until you have the baby then it can come back. They think it is connected to hormones mainly because more women than men get it. Yes A.M. pain and stiffness are a big problem too. Talk to your rhumy do some resurch and go from there. Good luck and keep posting. Pat


Hello and welcome! I am sorry to hear you are so miserable and I totally understand the fear that you are feeling. As you spend time here, you will find that all of us have times when we are afraid that there will be no remission or that our symptoms are never going to improve.  You will get alot of good advice and support here and you can always find someone who is going through what you are experiencing.  I starting having symptoms of RA after my daughter was born (she is almost 9 now) and the symptoms have been much worse since my second kiddo was born (he is 6).  I always suspected RA b/c it is in my family but I didnt breakdown and seek medical help untill recently b/c I was in so much pain that I couldnt  walk. That was when I was officially diagnosed. I know you will find these boards to be very theraputic and informative. Good luck, come back often, and don't forget to take care of you--it's easy to put ourselves on the 'back burner' when there is a baby in the house--you need and deserve a little TLC too though!!

I was dx'ed with "Dry Eye" this summer. It's very common with RA. Makes your eyes very sensative light and can be painful at times.

Hi Manda,  WELCOME.  It takes awhile to get the meds right, I am in the middle of it, but read on.  Many people DO get their meds right with minimal side effects and get their life back.  I have had a glimpse of that on Enbrel but have had some bad luck with infections.  Everyone tells me - PATIENCE.  It is true - it is no quick fix but from what I hear, it is going to get better and better and they are coming out with better drugs.  I am so sorry you got it at such a special time in your life.  It is good you have a supportive husband, I do too, so many people have to do it alone so patience and WELCOME.  Good advice all over this board. 