Anybody ever heard of this? | Arthritis Information


First off, Merry Christmas everyone!  I hope today finds you with friends and family-and lots of good solid food!  I just had a yummy bowl of pudding-puts me in the Christmas mood everytime!

As many of you read, when the surgeon opened up the left side, there was no movement-at all.  When it did open-pow!  He said it was very impressive.  I told him I always try to excel when possible.  He cleaned up what needed to be done and then took care of the right side.

He told me he thought about it all day on the 23rd and finally, late that night, realized what was so different about the joint.  There was no fluid around the lft. joint.  None at all.  He was like a kid coming into my room that morning for discharge.  He said he was calling other drs to get their impressions and calling my rd.  I asked him if there was an easy fix for this. He said first off, we need to decide what the root cause is.  My rt. side had waayyy to much fluid.  He did say I was quite the tough individual.  He wants to figure out the fluid problem quickly, otherwise the lft side will lock up again.  There are supplements that can be taken to help with fluid, but this is in cases where it is till being produced. 
I talked on the phone with him a bit in the afternoon after I got home.  He was in the office, on Christmas Eve, trying to find some sort of answer.  He is a good man.
So, where is the fluid???  Sorry if this is rambling.  I am medicated with my two cats and watching Netflix. 
rocckyd2009-12-25 12:28:03

Maybe you should tilt your head to the left and the fluid from the right will slide on over. ;)

Girl, I don't know! I've never heard of anything like this before. I'm glad the surgery went well though and that you have such a wonderful doc working with your best interests at heart. Hopefully someone in our group will have some info for you. (Sam??)
Merry Christmas!! Enjoy your "leg warmers/massagers" and movies. *hugs*

There is some kind of medicine. Pretty pricey in my humble opinion. I know it makes you produce saliva and maybe other stuff? It makes you have trouble sweating so you do not want to over exert yourself while taking it.

I do not remember the name. My RD prescibed it when I was having alot of dental issues. I like walking around in the summer time. So I never actually filled it. Plus I needed the money to give to the dentist. I believe it runs around a hundred dollars. If i get to a place that i think I have to take it I will.
milly2009-12-25 13:46:21So glad you are home! You were not rambling at all...I syphered just fine ;)
I hope your DR. can find the root of the problem and get it resolved before it locks up on you again. Take care and try to stay comfortable. Merry Christmas to you!
I don't know what type of surgery you had, but best wishes for a successful outcome and Merry Christmas to you, too. So is the sourse of your jaw problem from Sjorgren's and lack of fluid or from RA swelling or both?
I hope you feel better soon. let us know if you find out what the supplement is that your doctor was talking about.

There is some kind of medicine. Pretty pricey in my humble opinion. I know it makes you produce saliva and maybe other stuff? It makes you have trouble sweating so you do not want to over exert yourself while taking it.

Milly, surgeon has no idea as to what has caused this problem.  When he went in Feb, there was a ton of diseased tissue and fluid on both sides. This time, he said the lft was bone dry.  He said if there was a thinning of fluid, he would think OA. He's not ready to link in to sjorgren's since that involves glands.  Really, as he put it, he is awaiting other drs input.
I'm actually feeling pretty rotten. I have the followup on Tuesday and then PT afterwards. Hopefully that will give me a few answers. I have been forcing myself to drink Ensure and I just had a few bites of oatmeal. Truthfully, just feeling awful.
Panic mode is beginning to set in. I have a ton of grading to finish before next Monday. I have about 50 science fair research papers to grade. I need to hand them back when we return. The kids have to make backboards and have them set up by the end of next week.
Glad you're home but so sorry you're feeling poorly. And on top of all that you have those papers to grade, etc. That has to be an added stress you really don't need. 
I don't want you to respond to this because you have enough on your plate. Maybe someone else can give me a link to the topic where Rebeccas first began talking about this problem - or maybe just summarize it. You see, I think I joined AFTER you mentioned the details of the problem you were having, so I'm sure I don't know what's happened except that probably there was some TMJ problem??????
Anyway, if someone would give me the 50 cent summary, I'm happy to see what I can find in the way of research, though it sounds like your doctor is really focused on you.
I wasn't aware the Sjogrens always involved glands, so I had to get up to speed on this. Found an article my own Rheumatologist [Shiel] wrote:
"Extraglandular (outside of the glands) problems in Sjogren's syndrome include joint pain or inflammation (arthritis), Raynaud's phenomenon, lung inflammation, lymph-node enlargement, kidney, nerve, and muscle disease. A rare serious complication of Sjogren's syndrome is inflammation of the blood vessels (vasculitis), which can damage the tissues of the body that are supplied by these vessels."
Apparently Sjogren's does not always involves glands.
Rebecca, you got good advice from CO_Mel, who prescribed the "legwarmers."
Ended up in the ER yesterday. We have know for a while that the jaw muscles are very powerful and have affected the chest and ribs as well. I got really short of breath and naseaus(spelling). I ended up getting sick twice-not good when you cant open your mouth. So five hrs of fluids and zofram and I felt a bit better. I called my pain dr. today and I see the surgeon tomorrow. We have to start PT to prevent the joint from scarring down.
I wish there was someone who could help me grade the projects. They are a pretty big deal. We've even had kids go to Nationals. Unless a person actually teaches science, nobody remembers how to write a project. Stupid Abstract, Research Paper, Lab Report....Blech!!! I teach the subject and hate grading them. But, the end result it always fantastic and they are so proud of themselves.

Maybe you can pay some grad students to do it?

Unfortunately, it is secondary level-no grad students.  Two of my closest friends are professors at a local university but they can't help out.  They actually judge our fair. 
Oh well...I've been laying low today watching mindless movies: Knocked Up and Meet the Fockers.  I am hoping the dr tomorrow will provide some more insight.  As long as I don't move, I don't feel sick.  Easy problem...just don't move :)
Hi ((Roccky)), I'm so sorry that this happened right on top of having surgery.  I don't have any insight but I just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you.  LindyI think there is hardly anything worse than barfing after any kind of head sx. I got sick after having my sinuses "roto rootered". That caused more bleeding, which caused more barfing... etc.
I'm so sorry that you are dealing with all of this. I'm praying for more help for you.
LeilaMAybe your friends know someone who could help you grade the papers. I hope you feel better soon.

Certainly you've had extenuating circumstances that warrant extending the grading deadline.

Still Truckn' along.

Went to see the OS yesterday and he had not yet heard back from my RD. He was hoping too by the end of the day. top off the day, I felt awful chest pain in the car. I have had the chest wall stuff for years-way worse. So got to the ER around 5 and left around mignight. Dr. heard a "rub" which is indicitive of pericarditis. So, I am on the phone today trying to get same day with my RD and pain dr. Good luck with that one .
Get me off this crazy ride.....I want my money back!!!I think you are entilted to a full refund rebecca. Just go to customer service and explain that you were reaching for the box labeled "Box o' Joy" but you accidently picked up "My Body is Falling Apart and All I Get to Do is Go to the Doctor....Oh Joy". I'm sure many other customers have been confused by the overt use of sarcasm in the label. I know I was.
I hope you catch a break soon Rebecca. You are certainly over due for one!Hi Rebecca, sheesh when it rains it pours!  When do you get to restart your RA meds?  I guess this will be known on the day you have your RD visit but maybe that will help the chest issue?   I'm so sorry.  I am thinking about you and have you on my hum list as well as my wish list.

Today was not nearly as exciting as yesterday--good thing!  My RD called me bright and early after reading the ER notes.  I saw him and he is not happy with the whole situation.  He ordered and echo with contrast which I will have next week sometime. It's like he takes it personally when I end up in the ER.  He tries so hard-love him.  He wants me to take the Neurontin 3x a day for now.  I asked him how I am supposed to teach and breathe(kinda important) and he said he had no answers :(  He called my pain dr. and I will see him tomorrow.  He also mentioned heading back down to Duke but wants to wait for the echo results.  Bascially, as always, he wants me to take it easy, but do what I need to do.  I just think he and I have different ideas of necessary.  He has absolutely no idea regarding the jaw.  Said to ask the pain dr. tomorrow.  You would think with all of these brain cells, somebody would have an idea.

I've gotten a few projects graded.  I am a workin tomorrow at the pain clinic, so I'll take quite a few there as well.  The county fair is my deadline, otherwise there would be no problem moving the due date. 

Thanks for all your support.  I'll get through this rough spot, I always do.  You guys rock!
