Suicide!!!! | Arthritis Information


I think I've led somebody to suicide. If everyone remembers, i use youtube and make videos. Well, a man friended me there and it turns out he "likes kids" (pedophile). I told him off tonight, saying he was wrong in what he does and sick and tons of other stuff..saying i'd call the police and tell them.

He starts telling me that he's crying, and says he's sorry. He told me that he took several sleeping pills (overdosed) and is hoping to die. He doesnt want to do this anymore.
While, i do not encourage pedophilia, I hate to see somebody die, no matter how bad they are. I begged him several times to not do it; but apparently it didnt sink in.
I asked my friend, if he would be a witness if i was taken to court over this and he said yes. I told him about it and on an ocasion he had contact with this man too. My friend says he'll be there for me.
So, what is ur opinion about this; im worried about what will happen next?
Thanks, everybody,
This is a fairly common manipulation. My mom had a boyfriend who used to threaten suicide constantly. You won't be held legally responsible so don't worry about that. What's really important here is that you have no further contact with this person. None at allYou really have to be careful  with people on the internet.
I hope you know better than to give out any personal info such as where you live, your phone number, etc.
Pedophiles are sick. Ignore them and if you can block them, do so. Generally their need is great that if they can't make YOU succumb they'll find someone else. If you have information regarding this person, there are places where you can report such incidents.
Stop talking to this person. He is trying to get you to feel sorry for him. He is a sicko! Ignore Ignore Star..............................
It is shear manipulation.
Ok thanks everybody, i felt so guilty last night and everything
even worse, my friend sayd she's tired of my sh*t
and decided to block me (i've known her for a few years and she's in my class)
so, and that sucks!!
thnx for reminding me that the pedo might be trying to gain my sympathy and stuff,,,
omg the pedo isnt dead, he sent me an email
wat do i do??!?!!
Don't reply to him Star! the message was about that he was in the hospital, and he was sorry...
notify the police.
if he is a ped he is not just  manipulating you. If he isn't he will learn NOT to IM and friend with children.
As an adult I refuse to IM or  engage with kids on line..period
I think you should let your Mom and Dad know what is happenning.  The internet is a dangerous place and you are only 14 years old.  You shouldnt even be allowed to be chatting with people older than you, I often question your parents responsibility it seems like they do not monitor you at all!!!!!
I also still think that you belong on a JRA board where you can speak with kids your own age. 
Please be careful!!!
actually they dont monitor me at all... i've talked to some strange (and usually older) ppl online
but this guy is the most strange (others talk about sex too) (but this guy takes it too far)
and i DONT like it
Take the email address and any other information you have for this person and notify the local police. Ditto what Mel said. And do it now.first i have to gather all the info.....ok?Star - Tell your parents about this immediately! They should then notify the police. I really agree with the person who suggested you get on the JRA forum and begin to share experiences with folks your own age. There are too many sick people trying to befriend kids on the net and some of those kids end up dead. Please talk to your parents ASAP. Yep, wise advice above -- report and report quickly.   Don't answer, block his u think wat i did is good?
i blocked him on msn
and deleted him from my yahoo messenger account
1. Tell your parents.
2. Contact the local authorities to report an online predator.
But, yes, it is good that you blocked and deleted him.
but then my parents r gonna ask questions...
and i dont want them to know im g*y :(
can't imagine letting my children have unrestricted internet access...

Just tell them an adult contacted you on the internet and was saying inappropriate things to you. You've already blocked him from contacting you in the future, but you want to tell the police to make sure no one else is manipulated and possibly hurt by this person.
oh ok, i think ill do it tommorow
but he's from the UK, how would they get the british police to kno?
No, don't procrastinate or make excuses. Contact your local police on your own and they'll take it from there. Don't worry about where the guy is from. You would be surprised at the international connections and data base sharing.
Next thing you have to do is remove your date of birth from your profile and anything that gives your address or location.
I'm going to say something you're not going to like:  give up the twitter. It's an open invitation.
Oh, i dont have to remove it from my facebook do i? (my date of birth and city where im from) cuz only ur friends on fb can see that, right???
oh i CANT give up twitter!
anyways barely anyone probably sees it
I'm literally going to FAINT NOW :( (im crying my eyes out)
and why me?!?!!??!?!?!
the pedo man emailed and sayd:
I been thinking and I think am gonna hand my laptop into the police when am better and let them deal with it. Ur police may want to contact u n ur parents wen I do to make sure ur ok. Cos I always keep a record of. Convos and my laptop can record webcam so they will need to see that.

I thinks it for the best don't you?
I'm not understanding why you're in such a panic.  ???Star, sounds like his person knows what they are doing.....don't let them scare you.  You are not the one who would get into trouble, They are  and they know it.   You need to turn this person in, and I do say why of telling who's playing the sick game.  You are  very smart and have a full life ahead, you need to change all your infro, and start over and be more careful where you go and who knows what.  You can't be too careful on line, you can't believe any one.  Be safe and take care of yourself......Your friend will come around, she cares about you and your feeling,  She's just upset for now...give her time. rusty2009-12-29 20:14:10HI Star, so sorry I have come in so late on this, I hope you are ok.  You need to get things in perspective, I think if it goes too far and your Mum and Dad find out your secret then you will be surprised, I am sure they would be very understanding and may even already have guessed, don't panic, remember you have done nothing wrong and the good thing is this seems to be heading to a finish at least, what this person has been doing is wrong and very dangerous and your parents will of course be upset about your contact with him/her but will be greatly relieved that you have not been hurt. They love you and will only want what is best for you, I must admit I would not let my sons have unrestricted access, not because I don't trust them but because of excactly what is happening to you. Just remain calm and think everything through rationally before making any decisions, nothing is worth losing your life over, see how much damage this person has done with such little info on you, you must be more careful and not share your personal details on the net.  Best of luck, hugs Janie. THANK GOD, (oh and thnx for replying everyone)
ive been "bargaining with the devil" and he finally sayd (after i told him about how i almost killed myself)
he sayd:
So we have an understanding now.

I won't tell if u don't tell. Now can we start over and try again and be friend cos before u this I like u. But we still need to talk.
BUT THAT DOESNT MEAN that i wont get the police on him!!!!!!!!!!!!! (im not sure yet)
but im deciding...SORRY THAT I TALKED TO HIM, BUT I WAS NERVOUS!!!!!!!
Star.  Seriously.  He's not going to turn himself in.  Here's a rule I go by that you might want to make your own.  Don't say anything on the internet that you don't want the whole world to know.  He won't reveal your conversation to your parents or the police or anyone.  Your secret is safe. Now, quit talking to strangers and qut exposing your personal info.  ok i guess ur right, Linncn
i just was overreacting cuz i got scared

My first hope is, that you would tell your parents.

Then it might be time to spend less time on the PC. Maybe look into a club at school or youth group. Is there a boys club in your town? Would like to see you spend time with friends face to face. I know the internet can be a lot of company. Might be time to strike a new balance. I wish you the best. And I hope you stay in shallow water (safe) and stop wading out in the deep end...there are a lot of serious twisted people that prey on young men like yourself.

Best to you Star.
Kid....  get OFF the net
 I could probably locate you and I'm not even trying.
I am a teacher and a mom and I didn't and don't allow my kids even when they were at age 16 unlimited access. good lord you need to tell the police you dont even have to identify yourself.
TELL  someone before he hurts somebody.
oh i used to be in boyscouts, it was stupid
and i dont go to church... thanks for the good suggestions!!
Take your email off your profile.
Tell the police.  Use some sense here. How do you think you're going to feel if some kid gets hurt because this guy's running around and YOU didn't tell the police.
Now man up to this.
[QUOTE=kathy_in_wlsv]Kid....  get OFF the net [QUOTE=Sam1234]Take your email off your profile.
Tell the police.  Use some sense here. How do you think you're going to feel if some kid gets hurt because this guy's running around and YOU didn't tell the police.
Now man up to this.
ok i changed some stuffHi Star, we would all be so proud of you if you tell the police, this is a game to the perp, he now knows that you have secrets from your parents and now knows you don't want them to know about this so he has you where he wants you, he has your trust he thinks, do not go there! REPORT him immediately, you may be uncovering something very big here.  Best of luck, Janie. Star,
First of all, and I know this is hard, you need to calm down.  Then you need to sit down with your parents and tell them.  I dont understand how this guy was able to contact you again when you had him blocked?????  Make your FB and Twitter profile private, this way only you can make friend requests and no one will be able to find you.  If you have this guy as a friend, delete him.  Better yet, make new profiles, maybe use your middle name and your moms maiden name FOR NOW.
STAR TALK TO YOUR PARENTS AND GO TO THE POLICE!!!!!  Eventually they are going to find out you are gay, they are your parents, they love you.  Think of what may happen if this guy comes to the US and grabs you off the street, think of what your parents and your grandma who I understand you adore would feel.  You love your Grandma, TELL GRANDMA!!!!
STAR PLEASE, As a teacher and guidance counselor my panic buttons are ringing all over the place, ignore him, take off your Youtube site, just disappear.  Your true friends will understand.
I am going through something now with my relationship.  I have decided to leave my boyfriend, I am not happy.  I have decided to rent a new apartment and leave one day when he goes to visit his parents.  My family and friends will help me.  It will be one of the hardest things I have ever had to do in my life.  But I have to do it in order to survive.  While I am not being physically abused I am being psychologically abused.  I have gained about 60 pounds, I am not happy. 
It is not easy Star but please do what you have to.  You are a special talented young man and I see a bright future for you.  Keep repeating these words to yourself "I am special, I am kind, I will be ok, people love me, I am talented!"  Repeat them over and over!!!
(((((HUGS)))))  YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!
There is no doubt that Star was talking inappropriately with an adult male and is just as guilty as the adult male. Star talks inappropriately at this forum. Star is out of control. His parents are certainly out of touch. If anyone needs to be turned in to the police, it's Star and his parents and a few of the females on this forum. It's outrageous how some of the female members talk with this underage "boy". Some even wanting to take it to private messaging, "wink, wink". One member in particular has her own young son. I can guarentee you that had an adult addressed her son as she does this "underage boy" at a forum, she would be calling the police. "Wink, wink". This "boy" is out of control and so are some of you women. Some of you women need to check your selfs. And Star, you need to check your self.
drama is all about drama havent yall figured it out by now?oh and getting attention. Its quite apparent he needs attention from someone even if its inappropriate attention or just the simple caring attention from people here. Quite obvious that he does not get enough attention at home from family or friends.It's either that or all these women will someday read all thier posts, private and otherwise in a book or on the news or on the internet or in a college paper.
In a way I agree with Lev.
I frankly am not 100% certain that star is a boy, nor 14. The constant drama goes far more with teen girls from age 12-16.
Howver I think "star" has been playing us since "he" came  to the forum.
And as Lev said, this  stuff is going to show up in some  research paper.  This is the main reason I have ignored most if not all of star's posts, but giving him the least benefit of the doubt, once again I say to go to the police.
 I have no more to say.
If we lose another one that brings all of his "underage homosexual drama" to this forum, good riddence. Good riddence. I know that some will "dearly" miss him. This is an arthritis forum. Why so many think that this is the right place for a "underage boy" to discuss his "homosexual drama" and receive parental advice from this forum is beyond outrageous. Good advise would be "this isn't the place for all that. But then I don't think that personal sexuality of any age or gender is a good topic here unless ra related. This "underage boy" doesn't like the boy scouts or church and of course not. They would both bring structure, discipline and good direction into his life. He certainly does not want any of that. He is out of control. Good advise to this "underage boy" would be to have him talk to his parents or counselor and leave it away from this forum. He is not anything about ra, nothing. This is a support forum but certainly not a support forum for "underage boys and/or girls" sexuallity. But this is a wide open forum, so yous just keep on supporting, in a way it's quite amusing and eye opening.
If this child is for real then Lev you should be ashamed of yourself, telling him he is to blame for some pervert stalking him....I blame his parents for not monitoring his internet usage, I blame the pervert who has befriended him but a 14 year old boy who may have a life that is dogged by RA, diabetes, being gay etc isnt at fault...This boy( if he is real )  is a child and you have to tread carefully with he shouldnt be on here without a parent supervising him talking to any of us but none of the females who talk to him on here are wrong, they try to give him motherly advice, I dont see any evidence of any wrong doing on this site by any member regarding  StarI agree with Lev.  I have been wondering all along about Star.  We receive messages that look like they were written by a 6 year old and the next one looks like it was written by an adult.  Have we been taken in by another Shug? u DOUBT my authenticity (sp?)
um haven't u seen my youtube vids?
here's my utube channel:
and here's a few vids for PROOF that im not some f*ck ugly adult with no life:
ok anyways speaking of getting help to deal with this pedo guy (btw he contatced me through email, not fb or utube or other stuff)
ANYWAYS, i use another forum, for gay teens...and when i was having previous issues with something else, one of the moderators decided to give me his yahoo messenger he could help me. for several weeks, ive been avoiding his assistance cuz i didnt want my parents to somehow find out i was gay.
after all the drama these past few days, i says, "Mr.Chip i think im ready to get ur help"
and he sayd ok, so he's gonna to contact my guidence counselour (sp?) and try to assist me OK?
so i apparently have help now and if y'all dont want to help...u dont have to...BUT PLEASE CHECK OUT ONE OR TWO OF THOSE VIDEOS (IF THE LINKS WORK)
on another note, when Lev sayd: "underage homosexual drama"
is that supposed to be somewhat descriminatory (sp?) against gay ppl?
or just something rude to me?
thats all im gonna say...

great posts, Kathy, Jas, Dalmatinka, and lev.... 

I have a 14 year old boy at home... 
His laptop is heavily monitored.... keyloggers.... as is his cell phone usage... and his friends.... Not because we do not trust him.... but the is an ugly place. 
Star is loving all this attention... He has narcissstic tendencies toward the dramatic......
why else would you publish on a PUBLIC BOARD that you've been sexually addressed by an adult male pedophile???
Don't be surprised if a police officer doesn't show up at your door one day because of the data you expound on this website, Starperson...

if you have any doubts that this is for attention...... just look at the title of this thread:  Suicide!!!!


if you have any doubts that this is for attention...... just look at the title of this thread:  Suicide!!!!

obviously when i titled it Suicide, i didnt mean "my" suicidal thoughts, i was talking about how the old guy wanted to kill himself after i told him that'd id get him had nothing to do with how i felt at the moment (i was NOT suicidal then)

if you have any doubts that this is for attention...... just look at the title of this thread:  Suicide!!!!

obviously when i titled it Suicide, i didnt mean "my" suicidal thoughts, i was talking about how the old guy wanted to kill himself after i told him that'd id get him had nothing to do with how i felt at the moment (i was NOT suicidal then)
[/QUOTE] "weren't" suicidal.......
you "were' looking for attention.
well, also i sayd previously:
ok i guess ur right, Linncn
i just was overreacting cuz i got scared
SO, i was gonna be happy and just leave this thread alone, but some other ppl posted in it
can we let this thread die now?
Star get off the internet and get some good old counselling....
your playing with fire, as a novice i could easily find out your address, get images of your house, get your relatives names etc. THINK ABOUT IT!!!!!
mabus2009-12-31 10:41:03


You wrote:   "There is no doubt that Star was talking inappropriately with an adult male and is just as guilty as the adult male. Star talks inappropriately at this forum. Star is out of control. His parents are certainly out of touch. If anyone needs to be turned in to the police, it's Star and his parents and a few of the females on this forum. It's outrageous how some of the female members talk with this underage "boy". Some even wanting to take it to private messaging, "wink, wink". One member in particular has her own young son. I can guarentee you that had an adult addressed her son as she does this "underage boy" at a forum, she would be calling the police. "Wink, wink". This "boy" is out of control and so are some of you women. Some of you women need to check your selfs. And Star, you need to check your self. "
I'm not sure who you were referring to when you posted the section about women inviting Star to PM them. I believe that I may have been one of them in some other thread, simply because in the beginning he did strike me as a kid in need of help.
However, I really, really am insulted that you would think I or anyone else would do this for lascivious reasons. Perhaps it never occurred to you that some of us are caring people and some are even licensed professionals who might be able to help.
For the short period of time that I've been on this forum I've never once seen any adult post anything that might have sexual undertones. [Excepting what you wrote in blue above.]
I believe you owe everyone here an apology.
Sam12342009-12-31 14:19:00[QUOTE=Mrs Pincushion]If this child is for real then Lev you should be ashamed of yourself, telling him he is to blame for some pervert stalking him....I blame his parents for not monitoring his internet usage, I blame the pervert who has befriended him but a 14 year old boy who may have a life that is dogged by RA, diabetes, being gay etc isnt at fault...This boy( if he is real )  is a child and you have to tread carefully with he shouldnt be on here without a parent supervising him talking to any of us but none of the females who talk to him on here are wrong, they try to give him motherly advice, I dont see any evidence of any wrong doing on this site by any member regarding  Star[/QUOTE]
I have to agree with Pin, Dalmatinka and Sam.  If this child is for real, and we do not know otherwise, what you are doing is cruel and inhuman.  If Babs, as you say, you have a 14 year old then imagine for 10 minutes he was going through what Star is going through.  Do you all not think it best to give sound advise instead of browbeating him?  He said he was not posting on this thread anymore but instead honouring his wishes you proceed to cut him up.  Even if he wants attention will it kill you to show a bit of kindness.
Me Mother always said "Never point a finger unless you have walked a mile in his shoes."
Good sound advise.
Happy New Year everyone.
I wasn't actually referring to you but it seemed like it hit a "hot" spot. I am going to try and be as polite as I can be. I'm sure that you were honorable in your invitation to have a private conversation with a "kid in need of help". Your description of Starperson121. I'm sure that his parents, once they find out that you, being the "licensed professional", desired to have inappropriate conversations with their "underage boy", will thank you so much rather than contacting them and letting them decide who should council their "underage boy". But, let me assure you, that if you ever go on the internet and come across my underage grandkids or my nieces and nephews underage children and you invite one of them to a private conversation about sex, sexual orientation or any other adult to boy/girl conversation, I will make sure that you be prosecuted as a pervert and then we'll see who owes who an apology. No offense.
I wasn't actually referring to you but it seemed like it hit a "hot" spot. I am going to try and be as polite as I can be. I'm sure that you were honorable in your invitation to have a private conversation with a "kid in need of help". Your description of Starperson121. I'm sure that his parents, once they find out that you, being the "licensed professional", desired to have inappropriate conversations with their "underage boy", will thank you so much rather than contacting them and letting them decide who should council their "underage boy". But, let me assure you, that if you ever go on the internet and come across my underage grandkids or my nieces and nephews underage children and you invite one of them to a private conversation about sex, sexual orientation or any other adult to boy/girl conversation, I will make sure that you be prosecuted as a pervert and then we'll see who owes who an apology. No offense.
You never change do you???  Lord help your grandchildren if any of them happen to be gay!!! For the new year I wish for you a new heart and brain!!!  You are a mean spirited person and that is all there is to it.
No offense, but truly I believe that your underage children would be much better off getting their guidence from the internet. Anyone that stands up for any adult having inappropriate converations with an underage boy or girl without parental permission, is wrapped all wrong. It has nothing to do with homosexual or hetrosexual as you want to twist it for your perverted purpose, what a surprise. It has to do really with legal and illegal. My New Year wish for you is that you get what you deserve. Good luck with that.
No offense, but truly I believe that your underage children would be much better off getting their guidence from the internet. Anyone that stands up for any adult having inappropriate converations with an underage boy or girl without parental permission, is wrapped all wrong. It has nothing to do with homosexual or hetrosexual as you want to twist it for your perverted purpose, what a surprise. It has to do really with legal and illegal. My New Year wish for you is that you get what you deserve. Good luck with that.
Offense taken.  Hey dummy,  I have no underage children or grandchildren and it is your family that would be better off on the net.  Lord help them if they do not live up to your standards or expectations.  I did not see anything wrong with Sams post or Dalmatinka, or Snow, or Pin or myself.  It is only in your closed little mind that these things exist and you are the pervert here not the affore mentioned people.  Your closing sentence really sounds like a threat to me so you better watch out or I will go all legal on you.  Heh, heh, heh.
PS....I just thought of something.  If all you have to do is pick on a 14 year old, I would advise you to take up something useful, like knitting or crochetting.  It is a lot less stressful than fighting!!!
TeedOff2009-12-31 16:57:29

I don't know how many times I talked with the adults (neighbours) I babysat for when I was a teenager.  There were things I just felt more comfortable talking about with someone else other than my parents.  Sure it would be great if all kids could go to their parents and talk about their concerns, but that's not always the case.  I wonder if these people I used to babysit for knew that our talks were inappropriate.  As an adult and looking back on these talks now, I still see nothing inappropriate about them.

Something though that was said in an earlier post in this thread really pissed me off.  It was said that Star (a teenage boy) was just as much at fault or just as bad...I can't remember the word now that was the male adult for having an inappropriate conversation with this man.  No he isn't...Star is a child and the man he talked with is an adult.  The adult is wrong.  The adult is a predator.
The one thing I agree with is that Star need to tell the police whatever info he has on this man.
No one knows if the 'man' that 'star' has been talking with is even a man.  It could be another 14-year old boy, for all we know, or it could even be law enforcement.  If Star is engaging in explicit chat with an underage person, he could be in trouble too.

There have been several cases of teens being convicted and legally labeled as 'sex offenders' for 'sexting' or engaging in other explicit sexual messaging with each other - still found guilty, even if they're underage.

Levlarry wrote to me:  "I will make sure that you be prosecuted as a pervert and then we'll see who owes who an apology. No offense."

You would never in a million years be able to do that. I, on the other hand, might well be able to sue you for libel.  Offense intended.where the heck has it ever been said that any one person on here has ever had inappropriate conversations with Star....I am baffled. No one ( and i have gone a read back) has ever indicated they have had such conversations...Lev you have the mind of a sewer Rat and i for one would be greatly distressed if my kids came across you on the net.

Touche.OH and i just wanted this thread to "die" i sayd it TWICE, everything "according to me" was sayd and done...i got my advice and i felt the thread was over
oh well, when i got home, like 11 new
can it JUST DIE NOW???
(or do u ppl wanna continue!)
Quit being a drama queen.  If you can't handle it, don't read it. [QUOTE=levlarry] SnowOwl,
This "underage boy" doesn't like the boy scouts or church and of course not. They would both bring structure, discipline and good direction into his life. He certainly does not want any of that.


Wow Lev, yeah, I'll bet some of those Catholics that found out their little boys had been molested by the priests would love to hear all about this. Parents should never assume because it is a church function, it is good. We are all human, capable of great things, and at the same time, capable of terrible things. We are human, don't forget that. [QUOTE=JasmineRain]No one knows if the 'man' that 'star' has been talking with is even a man.  It could be another 14-year old boy, for all we know, or it could even be law enforcement.  If Star is engaging in explicit chat with an underage person, he could be in trouble too.

There have been several cases of teens being convicted and legally labeled as 'sex offenders' for 'sexting' or engaging in other explicit sexual messaging with each other - still found guilty, even if they're underage.


perfectly said!!

and star now wants this object of his attentions to die so that law enforcement doesn't see it and get his name and follow through with some investigation. 

Teed... trust me.... my children all are happy and fine with coming to me.. or my husband or each other when they have concerns and needs.. we are a big loving trusting group of support....

Wow Lev, yeah, I'll bet some of those Catholics that found out their little boys had been molested by the priests would love to hear all about this. Parents should never assume because it is a church function, it is good. We are all human, capable of great things, and at the same time, capable of terrible things. We are human, don't forget that.[/QUOTE]

Couldn't agree more, and that goes for any activity for children.  Daycare, school, band, theatre, sports teams, scouting, churches.  There have been a couple of high-profile pedophile cases in N. Illinois lately involving extracurricular sports teams, and another one where the neighborhood 'geek' befriended lonely boys and invited them over to play video games and then molested them.

great posts, Kathy, Jas, Dalmatinka, and lev.... 

I have a 14 year old boy at home... 
His laptop is heavily monitored.... keyloggers.... as is his cell phone usage... and his friends.... Not because we do not trust him.... but the is an ugly place. 
Star is loving all this attention... He has narcissstic tendencies toward the dramatic......
why else would you publish on a PUBLIC BOARD that you've been sexually addressed by an adult male pedophile???
Don't be surprised if a police officer doesn't show up at your door one day because of the data you expound on this website, Starperson...
What I wanted to say Babs is what if your 14 year old did not come to you with everything that was going on in his life?  What if you didn't monitor him on the computer and the cell phone....would you really want people to treat him as Star is being treated here?  Put the shoe on the other foot and try to feel how he is feeling just in case you are wrong about him.  I feel sorry for anyone who is unable to, just for once, try to understand what he must be going through.  If you can't then do not harrass, just let it go. 
If you go back and read Dalmatinka's post carefully she is giving Star sound advise not hitting him over the head and threatning him that the police are going to show up on his door because of what he has posted on here.  Of course you know for an actual fact that Star is everything in the book that you can call him.  Sad!!
TeedOff2010-01-01 02:56:07A support forum usually requires one to offer support to any person who asks for it so most of us who come here endeavour to do just that.  Unfortunately we have a noxious toxic weed resident here who is so evil he just can't help himself searching for ways to make insinuations to any post possible, once again you have shown your lack of worth Lev, well done, you never let us down, LOSER.

Star, you keep coming here for support if you have no where else to turn, hopefully many of us here have helped you and will continue to do so as we have nothing to hide, its only LEV you have to worry about honey!

By the way Lev, my sons would never be unsupervised on any forum/computer, with the likes of you lurking around, and if they were I would only be too happy for them to talk to someone like me or my many friends on here. Janiefx1,
There would be a big difference between me and you. Were your underage children to run into me on the internet, I wouldn't be begging them to become a private message "buddy".Wink, wink. Wink, wink. Know what I mean jelly bean? I would say what I say to the whole www, not in private to an underage child. Sounds like what a predator would do. Of course if you ask the perverts, they will tell you they were just helping a troubled child.
Why worry about your children meeting me on the internet? It seems that you aren't worried about their mom being an habitual and chronic liar. How many times have you made up filthy stories about other members of this forum only to be shown that you are nothing but a meddling liar? Seems that you should be more concerned about their mother. But then again, I'll bet the nuts didn't fall far from the tree.
Yeah, church people are bad. Nurses that kill their patients are good. I've read where law enforcement is pulling out of trying to catch internet predators and are instead infiltrating the churches and the boy scouts, where the real threats are. Anyway Lorster, how can you even talk about it? Wasn't it you that posted at this forum that another female member was PMing you asking for a lesbian relationship? After all the members told you to show the PMs with the "victims" permission, you had to admit that you were lying. Don't you think that you are an internet sexual predator? I could understand a teen doing that but aren't you an adult with grown kids? That's pretty sick, yes? Of course not as sick as the churches and all those bad people that go there, right? You are a joke.
Nobody is beating up Starperson121. Starperson121 gives each and every one of us a "heads up" and a warning every time he posts, right? Here it is, I copied it from his signature line.
"Hey pplz, im 14 and im a BOY"
And yet so many think that no matter what he says or does or says he does, he's right and the rest is wrong. Anybody that trys to give him good direction is attacking him. If someone tells him that he shouldn't be talking like that at this forum, the nasties come with their name calling. How dare any of you to think that you are to parent this "boy" rather then tell him that this isn't the place and we ain't your mom and dad and that we disagree with what you are doing. If children were to go to the internet and they were to run into you "internet mommies"  the world doesn't become a better place. You do not reward bad behavior. If this were a 14 year old girl and the members were men, wouldn't that be a different story, right Janie? Right TeedOff? Soon as the man asked for some private message time, Janie and Pincushion and TeedOff would be calling the authorities. Right Janie? Wink, wink. Starperson121 is out of control and headed for danger and yet yous continue to enable him and continue to tell him that his out of control behavior is just fine. Right? Hopefully Starperson121 will get some counseling. He needs to change his attention from the bad and seek the good. Hopefully, this is a wake up call, because his "mommies" at this forum aren't about to wake him up.
my sig line says
"Hey pplz, im 14 and im a BOY"
because when i first came to the forum, some ppl thought i was a girl and some ppl suggested i write that im a boy in my sig line....
ETA: lots of stuff that i didnt put by mistake
StarPerson1212010-01-01 08:23:57LEV = LIAR




UNHAPPY people love to try and bring others down, this is why Loser Lev has no friends.

Your posts mean nothing to me - just mindless drivel - know what I mean wink wink...... well at least I get a laugh from them I guess!

lev, my eldest daughter read this and said if she met you on the net she would block you automatically she cant believe how creepy. narrow minded and weird you areLev wrote:  "Were your underage children to run into me on the internet, I wouldn't be begging them to become a private message "buddy".Wink, wink. Wink, wink. Know what I mean jelly bean? I would say what I say to the whole www, not in private to an underage child. Sounds like what a predator would do. Of course if you ask the perverts, they will tell you they were just helping a troubled child. "
Lev, I wouldn't expect someone like you to understand, but give it a try, will you? Some people  who desperately need someone to talk to, don't want to plaster their concerns all over a public forum such as this. Rather they would appreciate a private discussion about their problems in an attempt to help find solutions. Simple as that.
It's NOT about "Wink! Wink! Jelly bean," as you describe. You assume that every person is evil and what that tells me is that   [1]  you personally had a bad experience that has yet to be resolved, or,  [2] you are a homophobic and/or perhaps perverted in your own way.  
Assuming the story from StarPerson is true, one wonders if YOU, Lev, are the one who contacted StarPerson with inappropriate communication. 
[QUOTE=lorster] [QUOTE=levlarry] SnowOwl,
This "underage boy" doesn't like the boy scouts or church and of course not. They would both bring structure, discipline and good direction into his life. He certainly does not want any of that.


Wow Lev, yeah, I'll bet some of those Catholics that found out their little boys had been molested by the priests would love to hear all about this. Parents should never assume because it is a church function, it is good. We are all human, capable of great things, and at the same time, capable of terrible things. We are human, don't forget that.[/QUOTE]
I also suggested school club...or a local boys club...maybe something at the YMCA...As far as church being a dangerous place filled with pediphiles..really?....maybe we should not send our kids to school...seems to me bad things happen to good children there also.
If you are going to throw out the whole barrell of apples because of a few rotten ones...I am just saying...the logic Lorester would dictate scrapping all the more apple pie I guess :(
One more thing...My first request was for Star to talk to his parents.
Some parents are detatched and self absorbed..while others are smothering...trick is to find a balance with our children.


You are right, someone like me probably won't understand. But you try to understand this. I don't have your "Professional License" that would give me the right to go on the internet, find underage children, have the license to make the decision that I am going to over ride the under age childs parents, invite those underage children into a private setting, for the purpose of????????????????? With your great Professional Licensed mind, why not involve us all and maybe we "unlearned hicks" can learn something about the way we should allow adult strangers on the internet to invite our underage children into private chats especially if they have a "Professional License". See us "unlearned hicks" teach our children not to talk to strangers, especially those that try to over-parent us. So many young children and adults are assaulted because they fall prey to those that tell them what they want to hear. Starperson121 isn't going to befriend Jas or Babs or Inflamed or kathy and the others that tell him to talk with his parents, those of us that treat him as we would want other strangers to treat our children. Starperson121 wants to befriend those that tell him "listen to me, I'm your new internet friend and everything you do is right. Follow me" Step into my house, says the spider to the fly. And Sam1234, if you are so concerned about someone (and you inferred it was me that) sent an inapropriate message to an underage boy on this forum, why not call the authorities, tell them of your "Professional License" and have them find out. If i were so concerned, I would contact the authorities, not the "Licensed Professional. We "unlearned hicks" still believe that the best advise is not to talk to strangers but what do we know? We don't have those "Special Licenses".
levlarry2010-01-01 13:10:27[QUOTE=levlarry]


You are right, someone like me probably won't understand. But you try to understand this. I don't have your "Professional License" that would give me the right to go on the internet, find underage children, have the license to make the decision that I am going to over ride the under age childs parents, invite those underage children into a private setting, for the purpose of????????????????? With your great Professional Licensed mind, why not involve us all and maybe we "unlearned hicks" can learn something about the way we should allow adult strangers on the internet to invite our underage children into private chats especially if they have a "Professional License". See us "unlearned hicks" teach our children not to talk to strangers, especially those that try to over-parent us. So many young children and adults are assaulted because they fall prey to those that tell them what they want to hear. Starperson121 isn't going to befriend Jas or Babs or Inflamed or kathy and the others that tell him to talk with his parents, those of us that treat him as we would want other strangers to treat our children. Starperson121 wants to befriend those that tell him "listen to me, I'm your new internet friend and everything you do is right. Follow me" Step into my house, says the spider to the fly. And Sam1234, if you are so concerned about someone (and you inferred it was me that) sent an inapropriate message to an underage boy on this forum, why not call the authorities, tell them of your "Professional License" and have them find out. If i were so concerned, I would contact the authorities, not the "Licensed Professional. We "unlearned hicks" still believe that the best advise is not to talk to strangers but what do we know? We don't have those "Special Licenses".
Lev,  you are simply not worth the bother. 
Sam12342010-01-01 14:43:19Starperson121 is dealing with way more than one pedophile in his life. Just check the subscribers on his you tube channel.   Brandon, you are playing with fire.

speaking of youtube...i know this isnt the time but i made a new video

my Bad Romance Dance:
oh and ur right, but theyre the ones that "subscribe", how can u like make ppl not be able to subscribe? (is that even possible)

Well, Brandon, one would have thought that after all the adults telling you  how important it is not to give information out about yourself that you would not have worn a t-shirt with the name a of a city, state, presumably where you live.    [Note:  later Brandon would tell me that the shirt imprint is not where he lives, but that he lives in Connecticut. Why he found it necessary at all to say where  he lived demonstrates the immaturity here.]

The problem is that you want your cake and to be able to eat it, too. You're setting yourself up for a ton of no good.
You need to talk to your counselor at school about this need for attention.
Sam12342010-01-01 19:05:14lol Hollister is a clothing company
and im from Connecticut, (doesnt the shirt say CA)
so OBVIOUSLY the shirt doesnt say where im from
drama queen... Brandon - If you remove a subscriber, that person is automatically blocked from your channel. If someone is harassing you, you can report them to the site. If you have any questions regarding your account, there is a help section.

I am going to say this again. You are playing with fire. Only you know what your intentions are with messing around with men who are obviously pedophiles. It is very dangerous behavior, and you need to understand the danger you are in in doing so. One of the men/pedos even warned you and asked do you understand what you are dealing with?

No matter what someone tells you, you can always turn to someone for help, especially if someone threatens you. The person you described did indeed threaten you. If you continue to do some of the things you are doing, you are really placing yourself in grave danger. You have given out such specific information on yourself on your various networking accounts that just about anyone with the slightest amount of determination could locate you. This is not a game. You are 16 (and yes that is your real age), you have no business interacting with men who are 3 X your age in some cases.

I hope that you are just seeking attention and not in an abusive situation already. However, if you find that you are in over your head, I can put you in touch with someone who can help you.

Also, keep in mind that with the number of "questionable" subscribers on your you tube account alone, it is likely that you may already be on a watch list.   omg im not 16 (but not 14 either) im 13
oh and ur right and i just remembered "the block button" on ppls channels
"dumbass moment" ok, so i guess i can block the pedo's then!
thnx for the advice, (btw where did u get that im 16?)
You can block the pedos, but you also must not solicit the pedos or invite them to your channel. but sometimes they find my channel and wat if i dont "think" theyre pedo's
like u know some pedo's pretend to be kids online to lure them into thinking their safe
That's true. Have you ever had it happen that you figured out later it wasn't a kid?actually no...but ive heard stories about things like it:
an adult pretends to be a child, to gain a childs trust, and then it ends up the "child" is an adult and ends up hurting/killing the real child?
or something like that...but its never happened to me usually they say theyre adults
already told him about playing with fire as these networks probably already have a couple of wackos following him on this board.  if i saw this and you were my child i would know you are in need of some help.  your parents need to be notified...the video is lame what can i say, get some help.lame?
i worked hard, oh well, i'll try harder next time
[QUOTE=#1inflamedOnline] [QUOTE=lorster] [QUOTE=levlarry] SnowOwl,
This "underage boy" doesn't like the boy scouts or church and of course not. They would both bring structure, discipline and good direction into his life. He certainly does not want any of that.

[/QUOTE] Wow Lev, yeah, I'll bet some of those Catholics that found out their little boys had been molested by the priests would love to hear all about this. Parents should never assume because it is a church function, it is good. We are all human, capable of great things, and at the same time, capable of terrible things. We are human, don't forget that.[/QUOTE]

If you are going to throw out the whole barrell of apples because of a few rotten ones...I am just saying...the logic Lorester would dictate scrapping all the more apple pie I

guess :(

You have to be careful where you send your kids. Period. Don't assume "good" organizations are "good".
Bad things happen in schools, day care centers, nursing homes, hospitals to children and adults everyday. It is sad, but true. Like I said, we are human and capable of great acts and terrible acts.Star,
I just went to your Youtube channel.  These members here are right.  You are playing with fire.  You're a child and obviously don't see the seriousness in this.  You should never ever give your phone number out  to anyone on-line.  You may think this is all fun and games, but you won't when a 43 year old pedophile shows up at your doorstep or school to seek you out.  I understand you don't want your parents to find out you're gay, but I'm sure they'd rather know that you are gay and safe, than gay and _____ (you fill in the blank).  Which is  what's going to happen if you keep playing with this fire.
Kid you need to get help before it's too late.
does the blank mean gay and dead?
or gay and in danger?
uh hmmm, yeah ur right, i pm'd somebody and told them bout how i wanted to tell either my teacher that i trust alot or my that a good idea?
It doesn't matter whether it be a teacher or your grandma. Personally, i would prefer you told your Grandma and she's likely to be able to handle the folks.

Star, How old are you???  I know when you came on here you said you where 12.  But as your Birthday got closer, you changed it to 13, so everyone took it you would be 14 on BD. and now you say your 13 again?  I questioned it at the time, but never got an answer....Be it 13 or 14,  you should not be involed with anyone young or old and you shouldn't be on an open chat broad talking about your sex life,  whatever it be. 
Life is hard, your still young,  you need time to sore thur your feeling. You need more help then this broad or friends and family can give you, you are headed for trouble.  A good start is your family and hopely they can help you get the help you need, and I don't mean being gay. I mean feeling good about yourself.  I have follow your story on here from begaining and I sure hope they don't find your body some where.  When old men get done, they want you gone.  It happen far to offen.  I was just wondering, if your gay and male, why dose it upset you to be called a girl?
I knew a boy who was gay, He started trying to change everythink, voice, looks, long pretty hair and girl geans.  He loved it when someone mistook him for a girl.  He got over night visits from a former teacher and a lot of older men.  First met him about age 11 and his grandmother with whom he lived found him dead at age 19 laying on her living room floor. She was 87 and didn't know what was going on....broke her heart.  It's sad but you need to get help, so you can live a real life.  internet sex and other people useing you is not real. Sharing a true love when you get older is.  If you turn out to be a flake,   I'll never trust anyone again.
well, i can explain it...when i joined the forum, i was only 12...and u have to be atleast 13 to join an online, with my JRA being bad back then and i wanted advice and support, i lied about my age to join the forum...bad, but my b-day was only ONE month away (so i doubted it was too terrible)
i did mention i was 12? i dont remember actually...
and then when my b-day came around...well my profile on here was gonna say i was 14, not i just decided to say i was 14...or u ppl would be wondering why i lied about my age...and um now i feel sad...oh well
so im really 13, and i just sayd i was 14 all this time because of my profile (i doubt u can change ur age on it)
im sorry, Rusty and everyone else...
Star...when school starts back up on Monday GO talk to your guidance counselor.  That is why they are there.  Go first thing in the morning, before homeroom.  That way, they can call you out of class when they have time.  It's a pain asking the teachers to go every period to see if they are free, and honestly, if your teacher has no clue what is going on, they may say no.  As a middle school teacher-there is alot of needless drama with kids(as you know). 
I know you have been taught about internet safety at school.  It is probably part of the curriculum.  Nobody is picking on you by telling you that you are playing with is true.  People are messed up, you know that.  When these people get online they can be very dangerous.  Star, you are still a young kid.  I know you hate to hear that, but you are.  Part of being  a middle schooler is that you don't see the big picture.  That is why you have family, teachers, and others around you to help you out.  When people bring stuff up about your profile or youtube, don't correct them.  You are once again posting your info out for the whole world. 
So....please, on Monday, talk to a guidance counselor.  If you have a teacher you are close to, that works also.  But, they will then take you to the guidance counselor.  I promise you, you are not the first kid to have this problem.  Trust me on this.  I love teaching kids your age, but you could not pay me to go back and be in middle school.  It is such a rough time.  And, you guys do have way more going on in your lives than we did.  Don't worry about being "screwed up".  Seriously, find me a 7th/8th grader that is not scewed can't help it :)
It's ok Star,  I really feel for you and what your going thur,  Like I said I had a dear friend who's grandson was gay any I never said a word to her, just tired to be there when he needed someone,  which wasn't easy because I was so much older, I just worry about you and want you well and happy,  Please listen and take care of yourself.
I care
[QUOTE=StarPerson121]does the blank mean gay and dead?
or gay and in danger?
uh hmmm, yeah ur right, i pm'd somebody and told them bout how i wanted to tell either my teacher that i trust alot or my that a good idea?
Take your pick, Star.  Any number of bad things can happen.  Trust me, I know.  I was held at gun point for four hours by a crazed maniac once.  BAD THINGS CAN AND DO HAPPEN.  I'm sure you think nothing bad will happen to you, but it can.  My gut tells me you've been conversing with this man and you probably think it's all been fun and games.  It's time to stop playing around and realize that this could very quickly and easily turn into a bad situation.  You need to stop playing around and you need to talk to someone about this, regardless if it's a teacher or your grandma.oddly i dont remember being taught (directly taught, a teacher telling us) about internet safety, it just seems like something "everyone" should know
but i guess ur right, if i told my teacher, he'd tell me to go to guidence (sp?)
so, maybe it'd be easier if i took a more "direct route"
ACTUALLY at our school, we have these things called guidance passes, u fill it out and then drop it in the box in the guidence office and then when the lady is ready, she'll see u...but not till then
so i couldnt go b4 home room, the guidance passes r in the teachers classrooms and u have to ask for one (we have lots of "passes", guidence passes, bathroom passes (which limit the number of times u can use the bathroom per month) and nurse passes)
so, either i'll tell my teacher and/or guidence
or ill tell my grandma
BUT im gonna tell somebody
So, after reading some of this thread I have come to the conclusion that Star is either desparat