I need an assembly line | Arthritis Information


  Tomorrow i go to the ENT. Because my pc said to. The evenings and weekend doctor called this morning to tell me my sedrate was elevated. I sort of knew that.

My eye is still bothering me. The tendonitis is out of control. My digestive system is in the pits. I honestly do not feel like getting out of bed to go to the doctor tomorrow.
I need to make an appointment with the neurologist and the ortho. Except I did not make the appointments because I do not feel like going. LOL I just feel like I need to be put on a conveyor belt and sent down the line to get checked by all of the doctors all at once. Add the dermatologist.
Anyway that is my fantasy of the day. LOL It would be alot less work for me that way. I have been trying to work on my eyes at the moment. See the RD on the 19th. Something new always pops up and interupts things and life gets overwhelming.
Just getting ready for bed takes an hour. Between taking meds, skin creams and eye ointments ect. I could use an assembly line for that also.
{HUGS} I know the feeling.  I do like your assembly line idea though, especially if at the end of the line was a massage therapist.  Assembly line......story of my life. I got SOOOO tired of doctors and waiting rooms that I finally got it down where I see the RD, Endo, Vampire, dentist, and Ophthalmologist every 3 months. I see all of them within a 2 week period - the 2 weeks each quarter from h***. [Of course, that doesn't include the orth surg visits which are sporadic.] But at least it's done and typically I can breathe a sigh of relief for another 3 months.
I really, really envy those people who only make one trip a year to just one doctor.  And they have the audacity to groan about it.
My dream is to have ALL my doctors [and dentist] come to one office and each takes 15 or so minutes with me, then I have my dentist clean my teeth while all the doctors confer. Then all the doctors come back in the room and tell me what they decided the best treatment for all conditions is that they just agreed upon.
Stop laughing.
I can dream, can't I?
Sam12342009-12-29 13:14:09Oh SnowOwl I would love to prime or choice. LOL Instead of just trying to exsist. Sometimes being me can be sort of a let down when it comes to doctors. I go with all of these great hopes. Often it seems I leave with a new condition I am supposed to live with. Like seven cycst in my left eyelid.
I need my roots touched up also. May as well get a pedicure.
I am still waiting for one of those Startrek docs. They can just run the scanner across you and fix everything. An end to specialist all together. LOL
Actually I am thinking the ENT can help me with the cyst. They are chalzions. Really small but hard black things that block my glands. I read that when you get alot of them they can treat them with tetracycline, check spelling. I am allergic to tetracycline. So I am thinking the Ceclor may help with that.
I use these medicated pads to scrub my eyelid edges with. Harder than it sounds when you have RA. LOL Just I can make them about as fast as I can get them to clear up. A new found talent I did not know I had. I am still in the experamental stages with the best course of action.
You know, we don't take our cars to specialists. They spend the day in the garage and come home fixed. Our van was in the shop the last time I went to the RD. It came home with a new fuel pump and I came home with a new fibro diagnosis. My husband remarked that if the van had all the problems that I had, we would have traded it in long ago. I'm still not sure how I was supposed to feel about that....Oh boy, I remember when I had just one doctor for everything!  He delivered my children, circumsized my son, removed my gallbladder, took care of everything for the whole family.  Flu shots were no problem.  He would call and ask what we were having for supper and if it was roast beef, he would show up with syringes of flu vaccine for the family. 
And he would give me diet pills when I gained a few pounds.  Little did we know that it was speed, but I did lose the weight. We had no idea that it was habit forming but it did not become a habit for me.
He carried most medications in his office. 
Needless to say, we loved this man and he loved us.
In case you are wondering, this was 55 years ago.  My, how time flies.

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