Painful Bladder Synd/IC | Arthritis Information


Does anyone out there have Interstitial Cystitis (IC) or other inflamable bladder problems AND and have RA. Could the IC or painful bladder conditions be related to the similar autoimmune responses that give us RA?  How long did it take to get your IC/PBS DX, what tests were performed, and what do you take to keep the flairs unter control?apparently I have it.

first bout was in about 1994..  couldn't release urine for 30 hours was in hospital over night treated with antibiotics.
was fine til just now.  no real tests just going on symptoms and the fact that no infection is showing up after the last one.
Taking tramadol agaian, after going without for months. and occasional AZO. also forcing myself to go pee only every 4 hours.
