Red Knuckles | Arthritis Information


Is that pretty standard with RA? All of my knuckles have been bright red for days now. I know my sedrate is elevated and I am going down hill instead of up at the moment. It really makes me appreciate the good days I was having for the last several months. Walking takes a tremendous amount of effort and some ouch and verbal outburst on occassion. I woke from a nap and all of the moaning had my Mom and brother speechless. I was ungracefully whobbling to the medicine cabinet. I said stay out of the way I need my meds. I almost fell over a few times trying to get across the room.

I have had red knuckles before but normally when I do my skin cracks and bleeds also. My skin is in good shape moisture wise. My hands have been hurting some of course but I guess I would expect them to be hurting more then usual with this skin color change. I am having trouble opening and closing my med bottles. Most of my pain is in the rest of my body inside and out. So my hands hurt and are a little swollen. I just think to be that red they should be very badly swollen.
My face around the bridge of my nose is red also. Only part of the cheeks just next to the nose. It sort of fades in and out on the face. The hands are just turning different shades of red. Light red and deep red. Mostly deep red.
I am pretty sick in general. Infection + flare = lousey, yucky, ect.
My knuckles turn reddish as well. However, the redness on your face makes me immediately think of lupus. Have you been tested for it yet? I'm sorry you're having a rough time right now and I hope when you wake up tomorrow everything is much better. *hugs*

I have always been ANA negative. I should be positive with the sjorgren's but i am only RF positive and anti-ccp positive. 

As I tell my docs, everywhere you see red, there also is the pain. when my RA is active or not well controlled, my knuckles are swollen and red not jut on the top of the hand but also the under side of my hands. Kind like Rudolphs nose. Hope you feel better soon. I can alsways tell when I am not feeling weel. When I go anywhere, everyone and anyone opens doors for me and when the clerks bag my groceries, they only put a few things in each bag, you know 30$ and 8 bags. Last night the clerk loaded my bags, guess I was looking and acting fairly normal, my normal anyway.
when I over do, as I did this last week.. My knuckles are RED and my fingers are white with swelling.....
my knees get red and warm when flaring too.
I would consider reddening a sign that something may be working there.
yep my knuckles get red. I hope you are feeling better soonMe, too. My knuckles get red when flares occur in my hand. Inflammation. I'm seronegative, too.  But never in all 15 years have I had an abnormal Sed Rate. [It's measured at least once every 3 months because I take MTX.] 
It's a bummer. Right now my right hand trigger finger is flaring. Having trouble mousing, too. Methinks it's time to call for an orth surg appointment for Kenalog next week.
