Remicade | Arthritis Information


Anyone taking Remicade? My doctor wants me to start since everything else has not worked.  I have been on Plaquinil, mtx, enbrel, orencia, humira, prednisone and probably some others that I am forgetting.  Dont know why but have a horrible feeling about Remicade.  Have not heard any stories about it, but just dont want to start for some reason.  Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Hi, I've been on remicade almost 2yrs... it's been great for me, I started every 8 weeks and now going every10.. almost no side effects other than a little fatigue.. some have to take benedryl for reactions at the time of infusion, but so far I haven't encountered any..I can understand your concerns, but this has been a great drug for me.. Good luck.Hi, I've been on Remicade for two and a half years with no side effects at all. I do feel a bit tired afterwards but it's no big deal. I have a one hour drive home and it's no problem. I've noticed a little improvement. I have 500mgs every 6 weeks. The swelling in my hands seems to be under control but not the pain. I've also lost the use of my left thumb and my right is going. As of now I don't feel like I have the energy to try something new so I'll stick with it awhile longer. The other options my Dr. gave me didn't sound so good. Good luck with it. I was scared to try it, too, but it's been fine.

Thanks for the responses.  Dont know why I am nervous.  I think I dont like the fact that I have to take premeds for side effects.  I am the side effect woman!!! ha.  Allergic to NSAIDS and Aspirin.  So hate starting new meds.  I dont really have much of a choice at this point.  What my doc says pretty much goes.  He is not one to really listen much to my concerns.  He is the only RA doc in about a 2-3 hour radius. Lucky me! Thanks again! I appreciate it! Oof! Your doc doesn't listen and you're stuck with him? I'm so sorry to hear that. You really need a doctor that's on your side. Is it just that he's the only doc approved by your insurance or is he truly the only doc available? If he's out of network, you could see if your insurance will give you an exception to another doc. It may be worth a shot. Good luck with the remicade. Hopefully it will be your wonder drug! :)