Question re: clean out | Arthritis Information


Hi guys, has anyone ever had a joint just cleaned out?  I had my wrist cleaned up when the Dr fixed up the carpal tunnel nerve, he said there was heaps of synovial gunk all over the place, thinking of getting my feet done to see if it will enable me to walk better when I try to do walks for exercise.  I have erosions and metatarsal fractures so don't know if he can do anything about those as well Thanks for any advice. Janie I think I'm the Queen of Synovectomies and Menisectomies and de Quervain's Release procedures. Every single time they go in to snip or rotorooter me they take lots of synovial matter out. In fact, the orth surgeon's first comment after a de Quervain's Release to me when I went to his office to have the stitches removed, was that he spent most of the time "mopping up."

My only advice is to get the best possible orth surgeon. 
Sam12342010-01-04 00:14:45How does that work doctor wise. I hate my foot guy. I love my knee surgeon. I am going to ask my knee guy sometime if he does feet. I just do not know when I can fit the ortho onto my calandar. Not going to happen this month. I thought I was the only one with 3 different orth surgeons. They're all in the same practice but each handles just one body part. [Yikes! Makes them sound like axe murderers.]  I'm going to be seeing the hand-doc on Wednesday. I think I'm going to have to see the back-doc, too. Or maybe I need to see the hip-doc as well. Something's going on in my lower back.
I think they should call one of the exam rooms after me since I doubt anyone's made as many trips for OV's and surgeries than I have. These guys are great and I'm lucky to have them.
Do any of you find a little friction between your rheumatologist and your orth surgeon? I always get the feeling that my rheumatologist dislikes the Kenalog injections I get from the orth surgeons, but they are  what keep me going [and I never get more than 2 per year in any one joint].
Regarding getting "cleaned out"; my Synvisc wore off after 7 months and I'm wondering if the knee-doc is going to recommend another menisectomy or synovectomy.
Sam12342010-01-04 22:30:55