Simponi - New Rheumatoid Arthritis Drug | Arthritis Information


I just saw a commercial on tv for a RA drug called Simponi.   It seems so cool.  Just one injection once a month. 

Is it new or has it been around for a long time, and I just now heard of it?
Has anyone tried it and how's it been working for you?
Cindy742010-01-07 12:54:08It's been around for about a year, but the advertising blitz seems to have come on just recently.  I started it around April I think, had to stop for a few months because I thought I had a sinus infection (specialist later said no I didn't).  I'm back on it, but haven't really seen any results, which is disappointing.  I really love that it's a once-a-month self-injection, plus I don't have any burning or site reactions like I had with Enbrel.  I'm probably giving it another month or so before I reluctantly move on to a different drug.thanks for your response innerglow 