low blood pressure | Arthritis Information


i took my husband's bp 3 times before I could get a reading, then it was 76/44.  He was conplaining about feeling faint, feeling funny, is the reason I took it.  I  called the Doctor's office (about 2) and was told that they would call back.  They called at 5:20 and said to call and come in tomorrow  or if he got worst to go to ER.  My husband got out of the hospital on Dec. 22nd.   from bleeding ulcers and congestive heart failure,  which Doctor didn't tell us, the nurses did when we got ready to leave.  I really get the feeling that he don't care. I have tried to talk to him and he puts me off with something else and just walks away.  Don't they have to tell you.  Husband is 77 years old and  is very forgetful,  so they  need to talk to me.  He seen the Doc. Mon. and pressure was low then, He told me to cut his bp med in half and when I got home and check, he was not on the med he named  so I just stopped the Bp med and will keep it checked.

There is got to be a way to get someone who cares enough to know why and when you where in hospital and what you were treated for,  He did go in thru ER, but  his Doctor come up to the hospital twice and then had to ask me what test were run and how long he was there.    I did make him a appointmemt on Wen with my heart doctor.  I have been told that they don't tell me because of all my health problems,  Don't want to worry or get  me upset .  This is crazy, It's been Him and Me for 52 years.  and it's driving me crazy...the not knowing.  I have to know so I can care for him,  I don't want to just go in there and find him, I need to know what to watch for, what to do.  How could anything they tell you be any worse then setting here thinking the worse is going to happen.  I'm not even making since any more.  sorry
Maybe try telling the doctors what you just told us. I am sorry you are under all of this stress. I hope you get some answers.Rusty,
I'm sorry for your troubles. Sounds to me like there's a communication gap between the doctor and you and your husband. I seriously doubt the doctor wouldn't tell you something because they're afraid for your health. Something's not kosher there.
Regarding that blood pressure - that's mighty low and one wonders if he shouldn't see a cardiologist [if he hasn't yet]. Was he taking drugs for hyper or hypo tension?
Your message provides the perfect segue to talk about what happened yesterday. My best friend called me and her 65 year old, never sick a day in his life husband felt like the vitamins he took were stuck near his heart. He couldn't seem to dislodge them. Long story short, he died 10 hours later. It seems that by the time he got to the hospital his BP was 60/30 - his aorta had ruptured. They spent hours in surgery trying to graft the tear it but it didn't hold and he died. This had nothing to do with the pills and sometimes happens for the most innocuous reasons.
I'm not saying this to alarm you but rather to point out that every step of the way the doctors were informative, as it should be.
I have heard of older physicians being very protective, thinking it's a kindness, when in fact nothing is further from the truth.
Good luck, Rusty.
Rusty, I am so sorry!  

I just don't know anymore, I want them to talk to me.  I have a very clear mind.  I take care of everything, do all the driveing, banking and anything else that needs to be done....It seens like once I turned 65.  People started treating me different. I'm 67, not 107.  I do my grandkids taxes....I'm not dumb....A little forgetful maybe and a bad speller.  I worked as an NA for over 25 years.  I know a lot, but things have changed in the 27 years that I have not worked.  The body works the same, but new ways of doing things.  The nurses at hospital told me to talk to the Doctor.  They did give me paper on diet and to weight him every day and take his BP.

 He didn't want to go to ER and went in and lay down, just took his BP and it's up 98/60,  So I feel a little better.
rusty2010-01-07 21:14:48I'm so sorry Rusty! Hang in there. Your husband is lucky to have you as his wife. I would be completely frustrated if I were in your shoes too. Like others have said, either be real frank with the doctor or try and have someone come with you to his next appt to step in and talk to the dr. It may only take once for him to hear from someone How frustrated and concerned you are. You are right, the dr shouldn't be asking you what tests were done on your husband etc or keep you in the dark .

I hope things get better for you both and let us know how things go.

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