Ra affecting one side of body more than other side | Arthritis Information


Has anyone had that happen before? My right side has more joints affected than left this past week and pain is worse on this side than my left side. I'm also having weakness in my right leg and right arm. Rheumy said sometimes this can happen with your more dominant side? Anyone have this happen to them, or have muscle weakness?

ThanksKelly, are you sure it's RA? Is it possible it's PsA without the skin involvement?

Weakness: when was Vitamin D last checked?
Are you taking statins?
My rt side has always been way more affected than the left.  The RD comments on it almost every visit...joints more inflammed, my rt. eye is the one that will show scleritis or iritis first, even the rt. lung on a CT.  Really, other than the joints, he sees it as a fluke, but notable. 
It does make sense that your dominant side will give you more difficulty if you are still living a fairly active lifestyle.  My rt hand/elbow/shoulder flare the whole school year, but both sides seem about equal during the summer.
I wish I had a way to help you....Hope you can relax tomorrow and find some relief before the week starts up again...sigh...
Hi Sam ...Im not sure what PSA is? Yep I have all the classic signs of ra and both sides normally hurt but there's a few times my right side is so much more affected than left.

Haven't checked vitamin d in a while, I should bring that up to my dr when I see him Monday. I actually stopped taking my vit d supplements fir months now just out of laziness and just started taking it again now a few days ago. I think the weakness worries me more though.

I'm not taking statins.

Rebecca that is strange isn't it? Well glad to find out it's not just me. I sure hope you're feeling a little better. I read your post about getting a cleaning person in to help you with the cleaning. I bet it would really help and make you feel better! I remember how depressed I was when I wasn't able to physically do anything around the house , I felt like I was failing at being a good mom even though I know my family understood. You keep your chin up too!!

Kelly, PsA is psoriatic arthritis. The pain and locations are very similar to RA except that PsA is more often assymetric.

Low Vitamin D can cause weakness, though the inflammatory arthritis diseases manage to do that all by themselves.
I mentioned the statins because some people [e.g., ME] are highly allergic and suffer myalgia and weakness as an adverse effect. But you don't have to worry about that.
Definitely, a cleaning person can be a godsend. Even once every other week or once a month - to give you a breather. I would imagine there are plenty out there now, what with so many people being unemployed.
Klynn, from the beginning I've mostly had problems with my right side. My right hand is distorted and swollen, right foot and hip and shoulder hurt most. My left shoulder is fine. Hands, feet and hips both are affected but it is far more intense on the right side.To my RA, my body is a buffet table and it chooses which parts to snack on in different areas over the years.  My right foot is almost normal and left is all mangled from surgery and joint damage, for example.  My right hand/wrist originally were the dominant damage centers but as of last year the disease discovered my left hand/wrist and has been feeding largely there with trips to my right elbow as the dessert cart.  :(  It was never perfectly bilateral.
if a patient with rheumatoid arthritis treating with methotrexate can easily be pregnant?any problem
bean2011-02-16 08:10:39Well I have stuff bylaterally except some joints are worse than others. MY left foot is worse than my right foot. My right shoulder is worse that my left shoulder. I guess that it has more damage and tendonitis from one side than the other is really the only difference. Well of course more damage means more pain.
My elbows are pretty equal when it comes to swelling and pain. My ankles are equally impossible to walk on. I have to take pain meds to stand on my ankles. My feet may have bylateral throbbing pain sometimes. It is just more muscle spasms and swelling in the left foot. I think muscle spasms have as much to do wiith causing damage as the swelling.
I think maybe I get more fibro on one side then the other. Fibro for me starts out like a stroke. I am sort of numb all on one side when it starts. Sometimes it works that way. Other times I am stiff everywhere.

When I first started having RA, only my right side was affected. Now, I have it on both sides of my body. The soft tissue inflamation is on both sides as well
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