RA Factor count in blood test | Arthritis Information


Hello.. I am new to this board so please forgive me if I sound as if I am confused (which I am).. 6 months ago I was diagnosed with RA.. My RA count in my blood test was 251.

I have been seeing a Rheumatolgist since last June. Been on a variation of meds since then. the RA factor went down to 141 and now it is back up to 154.. What would cause the upswing .. Are there certain things which make it fluxuate.

I am just curious, I dont know anyone who I can talk with except the doctor and I dont see him until sometime next month and I would like to know just for my own satisfaction.. Thanks Ginger
I'm one of those seronegative arthritis patients, so others will have lots to add to my post, I'm sure.

If it's any consolation, RA factor can go over 1000. 
First of all, are you sure that those numbers pertain to the RA Latex factor test? Is it possible you're mixing some of the numbers up with the ESR  [Sed Rate]?
Once you test positive for it  [14 and up] then it's usually not checked again, as I understand it. There are many who will tell you the numbers really don't mean much at all. I've heard that the numbers can go up and down.
The difference in yours isn't all that much and the varying results could be the direct result of the number of platelets and other components in the blood sample that was measured.
Hang tight and know that a good rheumatologist will be a great help to you. I think the diagnosis is the scary part.....now you know what it is and that's a huge step forward. Now you can begin to get it treated.
Good luck!
Sam12342010-01-13 22:15:41Ginger,
I've had ra for 3 plus years. I've come up thru the drug ranks and am now taking rituxan. I've tried to read and find out everything that I can about rheumatoid arthritis. I'm still confused and have somewhat given up on trying to figure it out and now just leave it in the hands and minds of my doctors and hope for a cure in the near future which I truly believe is right around the corner. Anyway, you may want to vist

New Here? Useful Links and Information


I am going to link a thread I posted titled:
Q&A About Arthritis and Rheumatic Diseases
Also another link you may find helpful that more indepth explains the blood and other tests for RA.
Hello Ginger
Welcome to the board. I'm like you, seropositive. First bloods RF was 19, second one 121. As Sam says, mines never been retested. However, as Sam and Lev both say, bloods are only a small part of the equation. MRI scans of my hands confirmed the damage, but my ESR, CRP etc alone would tell you I dont have RA... they are all normal and 2 years on are still normal. My Rheumy says that as such they dont really pay much attention to my bloods. A High RF factor means that the disease is active.. like all diseases they ebb and flow and that probably wont change.
Make sure you write your questions down (and there will be many).. no matter how silly  you may think they are, your Rheumy will have answered them all millions of times before.
We're all different, and yet we're all the same. This disease wont be the same in any two people, but we all  get to know about the drugs, the pain etc. RA affects my hands and wrists worst. I'm on MTX and pain relief at night and have found a very happy place as long as I dont do too much 'pottering' around the house/garden. You will need to become very aware of your body so that you understand what you are doing which may have caused a flare/fluctuation.
The people on this board have given comfort and advice and just an ear to listen to the occasional moan.. its why we all log on. Just ask away.

Hi Ginger,

I don't understand it either. In my 8 years of RA, my RFactor is always hugely high; roundly between 1,250 and 1,650.  Occasionally, extensive labwork is done to rule out all other possible causes and they're always negative so it can't be even partly attributed to other conditions (ie liver, heart).  My RD & I just continue to monitor it and accept it as just me. It never correlates to the level of my RA symptoms of the time. So, it's a mystery.
Forgot to say that what meds I'm on do not affect it either. It changes (within that range) during the time of each med.
CathyMarie2010-01-17 11:32:41
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