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I'm injecting Enbrel.  I've had several site reactions.  My RD has seen one and said it's not a problem.

She told me to stay off my feet, so I'm thinking about swimming.  I swam a few times last year at a college pool.  It's heavily chlorinated.  I worry if that will be a problem with my site reactions.  They are just red blotches of varying sizes.
Hope someone can help.  Thanks!
Actually she didn't tell me to stay off my feet, just not to go walk for exercise.Dotty,
With my RA drug paranoia, I feel that pools are just too social and worry about diseases. Why does your doctor say not to walk or execise? Are your joints that destroyed. Everything i have ever heard is that it's best to walk. Walking helps the body to produce bone and bone density and strenghtens muscles and such. Just curious as to why your doctor said that.
Dotty My PT told me to swim rather than walk for exercise,she said swimming is better as it puts less stress on the joints as its not weight bearing. I feel a lot better when I have been swimming. I am due for a knee replacement in the near future and will make sure I keep swimming after too..good luck
Site reactions to Enbrel or Humira are quite common, try to ice the site.Hi Dotty, I have bad RA nodules in my feet and have a difficult time walking now, a real drag on my lifestyle! 

I used to get crazy reaction to Enbrel.  Huge, red, size of a baseball at some points.  We were going to stop the med cause they were just so itchy, but I went off it get pregnant.

I don't see how the pool would bother them.  Maybe actually feel better???  Definitely check with your dr.  I began to take benedryl when I did the injections.  I did the same with Humira. 

Swimming is such good exercise...good for you!
Thanks so much for your replies.  I've walked for years and I really enjoy it but my toes are swollen and the balls of my feet are sore,  so my RD said to do something else because it would put strain on my joints.I agree with the water exercise. It shouldn't be a problem with your site reactions. I use a pool frequently for exercise. They are very chlorinated -- and don't think much of anything could live in them.
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