RA natural healing | Arthritis Information


I´m three months free of RA symptoms now, thanks to arthrilite. I don´t sell it, I want just be grateful and solidary with other RA sufferers. Look for it and try, you wont be disappointed. Alberto

Thanks for the tip . I'm sure we are all gonna run out and buy it. Maybe we can pick up some copper bracelets and magnets too. Get lost jerk !!Dear 6t5frlane, I don´t think these posts are to make such negative comments, however I respect your skepticism. But I think that if you try arthrilite as I did, you then will be able to run and buy it once again.
And remember, some people are really supportive, and that the moodiness is harmful to health. Be happy. Alberto
I can't believe you would join a forum just to tell us that.   You are as transparent as glass.Alberto, common sense tells me that if you found something that "cures' your RA, then it would be all over every tv show, news article and medical journals to hit the streets. We have battled RA for years and years. Used car salesmen don't work here. Sorry.  Do they REALLY think we're stupid?????Let me re-phrase.Alberto............Get F'n Lost

So you're telling me two rheumatologists and three orthopedic surgeons have had it wrong all these years?  Hmmmph, da noive a dese jerks


So you're telling me two rheumatologists and three orthopedic surgeons have had it wrong all these years?  Hmmmph, da noive a dese jerks

 Who are you asking that question too ???

So you're telling me two rheumatologists and three orthopedic surgeons have had it wrong all these years?  Hmmmph, da noive a dese jerks

 Who are you asking that question too ???
The poster selling snake oil.


These snakeoil salesmen are getting craftier and craftier. On the diabetes forum where I post there's one supposed "expert"  [no credentials cited ANYWHERE but he's got a ton of comments on various diabetes-related websites and forums] who keeps touting valid studies done in the US. He sounds VERY credible and writes in a condescending way - trying to show he is intellectually superior.
Whether or not you believe the studies he cites are the ultimate proof is something else because there are just as many credible studies that prove otherwise.
He is very sneaky and cites the studies on general health forums, complete with tons of pretty graphs that apparently he made up to further his point and win reader confidence.  He provides the link to other websites - forums such as this one - and there you can find his comments which  usually contain another link to a 501c3 org that sells vitamins and home blood tests. Obviously he has a vested interest in this 501c3 org. [Hey. what's with the USG allowing too many scammers to become 501c3's???]
So as we've gotten wiser to spammers and scammers and covert sales, they've had to get smarter and find other ways to get you to visit their websites and get you to spend your money on snakeoil.


I can't wait to share this bit of information with my teenagers. No wonder they've been congested recently!
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