Toe Shots | Arthritis Information


 No they are nothing like jello shots. LOL The RD injected my big toe joints bylaterally today. Yeppie I can do a dance for Senator Brown of Mass!

 The shots did hurt a smidgen more then shoulder shots or spine injections. Oh well it was worth it I am sure. I walked like a penquin out to the parking lot but I am walking fine now. I will have to give you all an update on my new meds tomorrow because he sent them to the pharmacy via computer and i am not entirely sure what they all are yet.
 Salagen for the Sjorgrens I am going to try because my insurance covers it now and they did not last year.
 Something for inflamation that does not upset your stomache. It is not actually an NSAID but it works like one can not remember what he called it. So I will tell you what it is tomorrow. LOL Getting shots in my toes made my memory go blank.
The sinus doc said maybe I am getting better without surgery but still has me on the abx to finish getting rid of it. I still have some drainage on the right side. Also he ordered an exray of my sinus to see what is going on.
milly2010-01-19 20:36:26

Gee. Milly, when it rains it pours.

You are SO brave to get injections in your toes. If anyone comes near my feet I launch into giddy laughter, I'm so ticklish.
Penguin, or not, it's great to walk!
Sam, believe me, you wouldn't be laughing during a shot in your toe.  I had one once, but mine was because I was getting a bone spur shaved off.  Their is nothing funny about it.  The same nerves that make you ticklish make you jump out of your seat when stuck with a needle :)
I agree that that was pretty brave Milly.  After the one I had I decided that it will never happen again. It hurt like a you know what.  Glad you're dancing instead of penguin walking.
The doctor asked if I was serious. He said it is going to hurt. I said it already does hurt. He says he gives them pretty often but was surprised I was willing to get two toes done. For me it is wonderful and worth it. I guess it depends on how bad off you are.
The second toe was harder because I was still sort of feelling the pain in the first toe. He did my nemasis first. LOL He did the second toe really fast. I jerked a bit but by then he already had the needle out. So a quick minute for discomfort verses constant extreem pain.
My podiatrist said he didn't know a person could move and complain so much and yet hold their foot so still!  